ihadcancer.com/mailet We got out and just started running and the whole thing blew up... DIAZ: ... it was just, like, flames and everything. A typhoon had battered the region, but Diaz's flight -- Singapore Airlines #006 -- was still scheduled to take off amidst torrential rain. MESERVE: John Diaz, thank you for joining us on the telephone. Many carriers in Southeast and East Asia take off during inclement weather. Mr. Diaz, you were on the 747, describe to us what happened. It … Mailet, Breast Cancer Survivor (New York City), At the age of 33, Mailet was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. And we tried to lift. I had a prescription for this drug called Soma, which is [a] very kind of light muscle relaxer," Diaz says. DIAZ: Nobody said a word about anything. A lot of people were still stuck up there. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. When I got to the airport, I couldn't believe it. Well, it felt like a minute. DIAZ: No, there didn't seem to be any problem with the engine, but there's a typhoon that's around here. I almost didn't get on the flight. We'll be back in just a moment. Are you sure you're going to take off? I mean, I ran a good distance. Can you explain that to me? He watched them burn in front of his eyes. The total number of people in the emergency room was about 20, including several of the stewardesses. Once again, to recap what we do know here, it's a Singapore Airlines flight. How many of you are there and what condition are you all in? We will, of course, continue to cover the story. Good news in that it's encouraging that there have been survivors taken to a hospital, at least 18 survivors. DIAZ: When I -- I said that it seemed it took a while for them to get people around the plane. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 Crash Likely Due to Combination of Factors Aired October 31, 2000 - 1:23 p.m. It was a very major disaster. I mean the wind is just unbelievable -- it's sheets of rain. That plane broke in half. MESERVE: A Singapore Airlines spokesman just told us that he believed, at this point, there were no fatalities. "I want to live my life so my aura, when it leaves, is very bright. Newsletter Sign Up. I was moments away, they told me, from the point of no return.". I mean time at that time -- everything was in suspended, like, animation. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. The Los Angeles-bound flight, SQ 006… And then there were flames just all over the place. Did you hear engine noise? One woman was receiving CPR. Rescuers retrieving a casualty from the wreckage. ROCHELLE: Mr. Diaz, what are the authorities saying to you? Singapore Airlines flight SQ006 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport (TPE), in Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), in Los Angeles, California, USA. Winds must have been somewhere about 60 kilometers. We got on the plane, we started taking off on the runway, it seemed like we were just getting ready to liftoff and it felt like we hit something. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 departed Singapore for a flight to Los Angeles via Taipei. I -- we just didn't know what was going on. DIAZ: I know there was a woman who -- I think a woman died in the room where we were. Diaz says he had no idea how dire the condition of his health was. There were flames just all over the place. The tail was on the ground. He describes an attempted takeoff with noises, bumps, flames, a plane breaking apart and he claims there were fatalities, although a spokesman for Singapore Airlines has told us, at this point, there are none to report. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. It burst into flame right next to me. Diaz boarded the aircraft, along with 158 other passengers, but disaster struck before they even got in the air: The plane exploded after accidentally turning down the wrong runway, colliding with concrete barriers and construction equipment. Just after lifting off the runway, the departing plane … I hit the door with my shoulder, it popped open, and I helped get the folks out and then the slider started to inflate, but we were on the ground; so I jumped out of the plane, got caught up in the slide, freed myself and one other person, I don't know who. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. The flight left gate B-5 and taxied to taxiway NP, which ran parallel to runway 05L and 05R. There were people burning on the flight. MESERVE: Can you describe to me what you heard? List of Singapore Airlines destinations. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The passengers mostly consisted of Taiwanese and Americans. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, did you sustain any injuries, or are you OK? To me, I asked them, I said, it seemed like it took a long time, they said yes; but then, you -- we really don't know. DIAZ: The wind is just blowing like crazy, shifting everywhere. ROCHELLE: When you felt the bump -- when you felt the bump, did it feel like it ran into something, like the airplane began to stop or slow down or was it a bump underneath... DIAZ: It felt like it hit something. Singapore Airlines changed the flight route designation to SQ030 immediately after the incident, and then later to SQ028. DIAZ: We were at the end of the runway, yes. It was me and I guess the emergency crew. And we sat there for a good hour, in there with all these people and stuff; and then, finally, they had ambulances coming and they got us to this hospital. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. But there was not a very many people that got to the hospital. MESERVE: Hi, this is CNN, you're on the air, can you tell me your name, please? Did you get a sense of how long, in time-wise there was between the time that you heard the noise, felt the bump, and that the airplane actually began to break apart? For any other assistance, you can contact our local Singapore Airlines reservation and ticketing offices. DIAZ: Yes, it seemed like -- they were all hustle and bustle. MESERVE: And Mr. Diaz, those were who were injured, can you describe the injuries they sustained? ROCHELLE: Sir, it's Carl Rochelle in Washington. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. Eventually, the plane -- the tail section that we were in turned over several times and we ended up on our sides with all the passengers -- basically, passengers on one side of the plane were all up in the air. I'm originally from New Orleans, so I'm used to hurricanes and that's what it seems like right now. DIAZ: Nothing was ever said to the passengers. DIAZ: I didn't see -- there is such heavy rain. This is a list of the 81 passengers and crew who died aboard Singapore Airlines Flight 006, as provided by the airline. At that point, there was smoke and flames blowing from the other section of the plane and it was engulfing the tail section. Sin­ga­pore Air­lines Flight 006 ( SQ006 / SIA006) was a sched­uled Sin­ga­pore Air­lines pas­sen­ger flight from Sin­ga­pore Changi Air­port to Los An­ge­les In­ter­na­tional Air­port via Chi­ang Kai-shek In­ter­na­tional Air­port (now Tai­wan Taoyuan In­ter­na­tional Air­port) in Taipei, Tai­wan. Seemed like there were more camera people than doctors, as a matter of fact. Plane Crash Survivor: ‘An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies’. "It gave me a kind of new spirituality in a sense that I believe life continues on," Diaz said. By Lisa Capretto, OWN. Did it seem to you that they arrived promptly on the scene? MESERVE: It's still raining, then. Was that your impression as you left the aircraft? MESERVE: Can you talk to me about the quality of the medical care? MESERVE: And give me your rendition of events -- what happened as this plane tried to take off? The Morning Email. JEANNE MESERVE, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Jeanne Meserve in Washington. "You become an addict no matter what.". "It seemed a bit like an aura was leaving their bodies," Diaz said. SQ006 departed with 3 pilots, 17 cabin crewmembers, and 159 passengers aboard. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! Speaking with "The Oprah Winfrey Show" several years later, he recounted the horrors he witnessed that day. We tried to get those down. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, with me is Carl Rochelle, he's a pilot and knows something more about aviation. Hometowns are listed where available. They said no, we do this all the time; it's fine. She really enjoyed working with Erena to provide this opportunity to other IHadCancer members and found the whole experience to be very cathartic. I mean, it felt like we hit something. Flight SQ006 was bound for Los Angeles with 159 passengers and 20 crew on board, and took off as typhoon winds and rains pounded the airport just outside Taipei. the conditions were so bad, and I asked them to -- is this flight going to take off? Heavy rain and strong winds from typhoon “Xangsane” prevailed at the time of the accident. A flight in 1985 defeated the odds after landing without any fatalities despite an accident in the air. We were trying to get this guy out, but we couldn't. I don't think we were off the runway, but we were way the hell down there, because it took a while for them to get to us. It crashed as it was trying to take off. The return flight of SQ005 is now SQ029.From now on SQ006 is history. There were people still strapped in their seats. Scheduled departure time at Taipei was 22:55. ROCHELLE: What hotel are you staying at, sir? SHANGHAI--A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet bound for Los Angeles crashed in Taiwan during takeoff Tuesday night, killing 79 people as it burst into flames and broke apart. Plan your holiday with our latest travel deals and promotions. A welcome to our international viewers as we cover a breaking story: A Singapore Airlines jumbo jetliner bound for Los Angeles crashed today in Taiwan. At 23:05:57, ground control cleared the aircraft to taxi to runway 05L via taxiway SS WC then NP. There was one woman who died while we were in the emergency room, or whatever room it was. Flights to Los Angeles continues to be served nonstop as Flight 38 and with a stopover at Tokyo Narita Airport as Flight 12. One gentleman was so distraught he used my phone to call -- the two people he was with died. DIAZ: There were a lot of cuts, there were a lot of burns. It was just the group of us that were in the -- that we saw. Can I just ask you, how long was it -- if you can even keep track of it -- how long between the time you heard the noise and felt the bump and the airplane actually broke apart? JOHN DIAZ, SINGAPORE AIRLINES CRASH SURVIVOR: Well, the weather was absolutely horrendous. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies'. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, even in the final moments was anything said to the passengers onboard? DIAZ: Yes: bang! DIAZ: Oh, there were tons of fatalities. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT www.fdch.com, Bush signs order opening 'faith-based' charity office for business, Rescues continue 4 days after devastating India earthquake, DaimlerChrysler employees join rapidly swelling ranks of laid-off U.S. workers, Shaq could miss playoff game for child's birth, Ex-USOC official says athletes bent drug rules, Quake help not fast enough, says Indian PM, Bush: No help from Washington for California power crunch, Prosecutor says witnesses saw rap star shoot gun in club, Ceramist Adler adds furniture to his creations. Now based in Kuala Lumpur, Madam Farzana had been working for four months with Singapore Airlines when the flight she was on, Flight 006, crashed during take-off in … I don't know what happened to her but it didn't look good. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we were taxiing down the runway, approaching takeoff speed, and then all of a sudden there was a very loud noise, the lights went out, the plane started to come apart; we, obviously, realized at that point we were in a plane crash, and we thought we were all going to die. ROCHELLE: Is this still Mr. -- is it Paul Blanchom? DIAZ: My lungs are a little -- seem a little -- I'm having, you know -- seem a little burned and I think -- I thought I had broken my arm, but I'm bruised from head to foot, I guess, I don't know. And there was a gentleman -- when I got out of the plane, there was a gentleman trapped underneath the tail section of the plane. The plane split in half. It's Flight 006. It seemed like it did take some time. Singapore Flight 006, with 159 passengers and 20 crew members on board, reportedly struck an object on the runway in Taipei just before taking off in a storm. Book flight tickets from Singapore to international destinations with Singapore Airlines. DIAZ: Yes, the tail end of the plane broke completely off from the plane and it slid around. Can you describe... MESERVE: Can you describe the loud noise that you said you heard as the plane went down the runway? I guess two or three ambulances left before us and -- so we don't know about those guys, but there weren't a lot of people at that hospital. That's when he received shocking news. And I was all the way -- I was in the very front seat. Did it seem to you that the hospitals in Taipei were ready to handle this magnitude of an emergency? MESERVE: It blew up? Upon returning home, Diaz began to get back into what he calls "a normal routine," going to the gym, and taking better care of himself. If there are no fatalities -- we only saw -- there were only 20 of us. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. I didn't want to go through a plane crash and then die in a car crash. "After close to three months, they dropped all the charges and let me go.". Some of the people that were in the tail are with me right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I stood on the runway trying to get this guy out from underneath the tail section, yes. Today is National Voter Registration Day! His addiction soon seemed to spiral. It happened just after the Boeing 747 took off in severe weather from the international airport in Taipei. Stunning Underwater Healing Photos of Cancer Survivors, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. ", Eventually, Diaz was free to return to the U.S. "We ended up using the Mexican legal system to get me out of the prison," he says. Airlines (SIA) Flight SQ006, a Boeing 747-400 aircraft, bearing Singapore registration No. DIAZ: The Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies' What John Diaz witnessed more than 15 years ago in the fiery wreckage of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 has had a profound impact on his life today. MESERVE: And when you were picked up, you were... DIAZ: We had no idea. It was en route to Los Angeles -- Singapore Airlines Flight 006. Do any of them want to speak to us on the telephone as well? Did the pilot ever give you any warning about severe weather? Today, the plane crash survivor says he is fighting for his life once again, but still appears committed as ever to keeping his aura bright. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. The crash of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 [A Singapore Airlines 747-400 crashed during takeoff, from Taiwan on October 31, 2000, with the loss of 82 lives.] Officials say 179 people were onboard Flight 006 and some survivors are reported. But they were doing what they could. I mean the wind was -- and the rain was just unbelievable. On Oct 31, 2000, the ill-fated Singapore Airlines flight Madam Farzana Abdul Razak was … MESERVE: Was it your impression that the plane ever got off the ground? Of the 179 occupants, 83 were killed, 39 suffered from serious injuries, 32 had minor injuries, while 25 were uninjured.Amongst those who perished, there were 4 crew members. ROCHELLE: So it actually felt like you went... DIAZ: I was in the front section of the plane. John Diaz, thank you for joining us. SIA have removed SQ006 permanently from their timetable. But it was -- it was a nightmare. There were flames everywhere and smoke everywhere; and I ran to the door and there were two girls trying to open the door and it was stuck. I'm going to bring these people into our hotel in Taipei. I didn't see any thunder or lightning. Photos © Erena Shimoda (underwaterhealer.com), According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. "I went in a few weeks ago for a physical, where I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia," Diaz says. DIAZ: It was fairly immediate. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. Despite the support she had from her family and friends, she wanted to meet someone her age who could really understand what she was going through so she built IHadCancer.com, an online peer-to-peer cancer community. He wants to ask you a question here. Kc Restaurant Week 2020, Seana Name Meaning, Mars Retrograde Calendar, Loopies Dog Toys, Nic Sick Throwing Up, Ar Workshop Franchise, Is There A Martin Clan In Scotland, Elizabeth Arden Gift Set Perfume, Jafar Real Name, Louisiana Dotd Road Closures, " /> ihadcancer.com/mailet We got out and just started running and the whole thing blew up... DIAZ: ... it was just, like, flames and everything. A typhoon had battered the region, but Diaz's flight -- Singapore Airlines #006 -- was still scheduled to take off amidst torrential rain. MESERVE: John Diaz, thank you for joining us on the telephone. Many carriers in Southeast and East Asia take off during inclement weather. Mr. Diaz, you were on the 747, describe to us what happened. It … Mailet, Breast Cancer Survivor (New York City), At the age of 33, Mailet was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. And we tried to lift. I had a prescription for this drug called Soma, which is [a] very kind of light muscle relaxer," Diaz says. DIAZ: Nobody said a word about anything. A lot of people were still stuck up there. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. When I got to the airport, I couldn't believe it. Well, it felt like a minute. DIAZ: No, there didn't seem to be any problem with the engine, but there's a typhoon that's around here. I almost didn't get on the flight. We'll be back in just a moment. Are you sure you're going to take off? I mean, I ran a good distance. Can you explain that to me? He watched them burn in front of his eyes. The total number of people in the emergency room was about 20, including several of the stewardesses. Once again, to recap what we do know here, it's a Singapore Airlines flight. How many of you are there and what condition are you all in? We will, of course, continue to cover the story. Good news in that it's encouraging that there have been survivors taken to a hospital, at least 18 survivors. DIAZ: When I -- I said that it seemed it took a while for them to get people around the plane. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 Crash Likely Due to Combination of Factors Aired October 31, 2000 - 1:23 p.m. It was a very major disaster. I mean the wind is just unbelievable -- it's sheets of rain. That plane broke in half. MESERVE: A Singapore Airlines spokesman just told us that he believed, at this point, there were no fatalities. "I want to live my life so my aura, when it leaves, is very bright. Newsletter Sign Up. I was moments away, they told me, from the point of no return.". I mean time at that time -- everything was in suspended, like, animation. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. The Los Angeles-bound flight, SQ 006… And then there were flames just all over the place. Did you hear engine noise? One woman was receiving CPR. Rescuers retrieving a casualty from the wreckage. ROCHELLE: Mr. Diaz, what are the authorities saying to you? Singapore Airlines flight SQ006 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport (TPE), in Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), in Los Angeles, California, USA. Winds must have been somewhere about 60 kilometers. We got on the plane, we started taking off on the runway, it seemed like we were just getting ready to liftoff and it felt like we hit something. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 departed Singapore for a flight to Los Angeles via Taipei. I -- we just didn't know what was going on. DIAZ: I know there was a woman who -- I think a woman died in the room where we were. Diaz says he had no idea how dire the condition of his health was. There were flames just all over the place. The tail was on the ground. He describes an attempted takeoff with noises, bumps, flames, a plane breaking apart and he claims there were fatalities, although a spokesman for Singapore Airlines has told us, at this point, there are none to report. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. It burst into flame right next to me. Diaz boarded the aircraft, along with 158 other passengers, but disaster struck before they even got in the air: The plane exploded after accidentally turning down the wrong runway, colliding with concrete barriers and construction equipment. Just after lifting off the runway, the departing plane … I hit the door with my shoulder, it popped open, and I helped get the folks out and then the slider started to inflate, but we were on the ground; so I jumped out of the plane, got caught up in the slide, freed myself and one other person, I don't know who. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. The flight left gate B-5 and taxied to taxiway NP, which ran parallel to runway 05L and 05R. There were people burning on the flight. MESERVE: Can you describe to me what you heard? List of Singapore Airlines destinations. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The passengers mostly consisted of Taiwanese and Americans. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, did you sustain any injuries, or are you OK? To me, I asked them, I said, it seemed like it took a long time, they said yes; but then, you -- we really don't know. DIAZ: The wind is just blowing like crazy, shifting everywhere. ROCHELLE: When you felt the bump -- when you felt the bump, did it feel like it ran into something, like the airplane began to stop or slow down or was it a bump underneath... DIAZ: It felt like it hit something. Singapore Airlines changed the flight route designation to SQ030 immediately after the incident, and then later to SQ028. DIAZ: We were at the end of the runway, yes. It was me and I guess the emergency crew. And we sat there for a good hour, in there with all these people and stuff; and then, finally, they had ambulances coming and they got us to this hospital. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. But there was not a very many people that got to the hospital. MESERVE: Hi, this is CNN, you're on the air, can you tell me your name, please? Did you get a sense of how long, in time-wise there was between the time that you heard the noise, felt the bump, and that the airplane actually began to break apart? For any other assistance, you can contact our local Singapore Airlines reservation and ticketing offices. DIAZ: Yes, it seemed like -- they were all hustle and bustle. MESERVE: And Mr. Diaz, those were who were injured, can you describe the injuries they sustained? ROCHELLE: Sir, it's Carl Rochelle in Washington. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. Eventually, the plane -- the tail section that we were in turned over several times and we ended up on our sides with all the passengers -- basically, passengers on one side of the plane were all up in the air. I'm originally from New Orleans, so I'm used to hurricanes and that's what it seems like right now. DIAZ: Nothing was ever said to the passengers. DIAZ: I didn't see -- there is such heavy rain. This is a list of the 81 passengers and crew who died aboard Singapore Airlines Flight 006, as provided by the airline. At that point, there was smoke and flames blowing from the other section of the plane and it was engulfing the tail section. Sin­ga­pore Air­lines Flight 006 ( SQ006 / SIA006) was a sched­uled Sin­ga­pore Air­lines pas­sen­ger flight from Sin­ga­pore Changi Air­port to Los An­ge­les In­ter­na­tional Air­port via Chi­ang Kai-shek In­ter­na­tional Air­port (now Tai­wan Taoyuan In­ter­na­tional Air­port) in Taipei, Tai­wan. Seemed like there were more camera people than doctors, as a matter of fact. Plane Crash Survivor: ‘An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies’. "It gave me a kind of new spirituality in a sense that I believe life continues on," Diaz said. By Lisa Capretto, OWN. Did it seem to you that they arrived promptly on the scene? MESERVE: It's still raining, then. Was that your impression as you left the aircraft? MESERVE: Can you talk to me about the quality of the medical care? MESERVE: And give me your rendition of events -- what happened as this plane tried to take off? The Morning Email. JEANNE MESERVE, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Jeanne Meserve in Washington. "You become an addict no matter what.". "It seemed a bit like an aura was leaving their bodies," Diaz said. SQ006 departed with 3 pilots, 17 cabin crewmembers, and 159 passengers aboard. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! Speaking with "The Oprah Winfrey Show" several years later, he recounted the horrors he witnessed that day. We tried to get those down. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, with me is Carl Rochelle, he's a pilot and knows something more about aviation. Hometowns are listed where available. They said no, we do this all the time; it's fine. She really enjoyed working with Erena to provide this opportunity to other IHadCancer members and found the whole experience to be very cathartic. I mean, it felt like we hit something. Flight SQ006 was bound for Los Angeles with 159 passengers and 20 crew on board, and took off as typhoon winds and rains pounded the airport just outside Taipei. the conditions were so bad, and I asked them to -- is this flight going to take off? Heavy rain and strong winds from typhoon “Xangsane” prevailed at the time of the accident. A flight in 1985 defeated the odds after landing without any fatalities despite an accident in the air. We were trying to get this guy out, but we couldn't. I don't think we were off the runway, but we were way the hell down there, because it took a while for them to get to us. It crashed as it was trying to take off. The return flight of SQ005 is now SQ029.From now on SQ006 is history. There were people still strapped in their seats. Scheduled departure time at Taipei was 22:55. ROCHELLE: What hotel are you staying at, sir? SHANGHAI--A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet bound for Los Angeles crashed in Taiwan during takeoff Tuesday night, killing 79 people as it burst into flames and broke apart. Plan your holiday with our latest travel deals and promotions. A welcome to our international viewers as we cover a breaking story: A Singapore Airlines jumbo jetliner bound for Los Angeles crashed today in Taiwan. At 23:05:57, ground control cleared the aircraft to taxi to runway 05L via taxiway SS WC then NP. There was one woman who died while we were in the emergency room, or whatever room it was. Flights to Los Angeles continues to be served nonstop as Flight 38 and with a stopover at Tokyo Narita Airport as Flight 12. One gentleman was so distraught he used my phone to call -- the two people he was with died. DIAZ: There were a lot of cuts, there were a lot of burns. It was just the group of us that were in the -- that we saw. Can I just ask you, how long was it -- if you can even keep track of it -- how long between the time you heard the noise and felt the bump and the airplane actually broke apart? JOHN DIAZ, SINGAPORE AIRLINES CRASH SURVIVOR: Well, the weather was absolutely horrendous. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies'. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, even in the final moments was anything said to the passengers onboard? DIAZ: Yes: bang! DIAZ: Oh, there were tons of fatalities. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT www.fdch.com, Bush signs order opening 'faith-based' charity office for business, Rescues continue 4 days after devastating India earthquake, DaimlerChrysler employees join rapidly swelling ranks of laid-off U.S. workers, Shaq could miss playoff game for child's birth, Ex-USOC official says athletes bent drug rules, Quake help not fast enough, says Indian PM, Bush: No help from Washington for California power crunch, Prosecutor says witnesses saw rap star shoot gun in club, Ceramist Adler adds furniture to his creations. Now based in Kuala Lumpur, Madam Farzana had been working for four months with Singapore Airlines when the flight she was on, Flight 006, crashed during take-off in … I don't know what happened to her but it didn't look good. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we were taxiing down the runway, approaching takeoff speed, and then all of a sudden there was a very loud noise, the lights went out, the plane started to come apart; we, obviously, realized at that point we were in a plane crash, and we thought we were all going to die. ROCHELLE: Is this still Mr. -- is it Paul Blanchom? DIAZ: My lungs are a little -- seem a little -- I'm having, you know -- seem a little burned and I think -- I thought I had broken my arm, but I'm bruised from head to foot, I guess, I don't know. And there was a gentleman -- when I got out of the plane, there was a gentleman trapped underneath the tail section of the plane. The plane split in half. It's Flight 006. It seemed like it did take some time. Singapore Flight 006, with 159 passengers and 20 crew members on board, reportedly struck an object on the runway in Taipei just before taking off in a storm. Book flight tickets from Singapore to international destinations with Singapore Airlines. DIAZ: Yes, the tail end of the plane broke completely off from the plane and it slid around. Can you describe... MESERVE: Can you describe the loud noise that you said you heard as the plane went down the runway? I guess two or three ambulances left before us and -- so we don't know about those guys, but there weren't a lot of people at that hospital. That's when he received shocking news. And I was all the way -- I was in the very front seat. Did it seem to you that the hospitals in Taipei were ready to handle this magnitude of an emergency? MESERVE: It blew up? Upon returning home, Diaz began to get back into what he calls "a normal routine," going to the gym, and taking better care of himself. If there are no fatalities -- we only saw -- there were only 20 of us. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. I didn't want to go through a plane crash and then die in a car crash. "After close to three months, they dropped all the charges and let me go.". Some of the people that were in the tail are with me right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I stood on the runway trying to get this guy out from underneath the tail section, yes. Today is National Voter Registration Day! His addiction soon seemed to spiral. It happened just after the Boeing 747 took off in severe weather from the international airport in Taipei. Stunning Underwater Healing Photos of Cancer Survivors, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. ", Eventually, Diaz was free to return to the U.S. "We ended up using the Mexican legal system to get me out of the prison," he says. Airlines (SIA) Flight SQ006, a Boeing 747-400 aircraft, bearing Singapore registration No. DIAZ: The Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies' What John Diaz witnessed more than 15 years ago in the fiery wreckage of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 has had a profound impact on his life today. MESERVE: And when you were picked up, you were... DIAZ: We had no idea. It was en route to Los Angeles -- Singapore Airlines Flight 006. Do any of them want to speak to us on the telephone as well? Did the pilot ever give you any warning about severe weather? Today, the plane crash survivor says he is fighting for his life once again, but still appears committed as ever to keeping his aura bright. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. The crash of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 [A Singapore Airlines 747-400 crashed during takeoff, from Taiwan on October 31, 2000, with the loss of 82 lives.] Officials say 179 people were onboard Flight 006 and some survivors are reported. But they were doing what they could. I mean the wind was -- and the rain was just unbelievable. On Oct 31, 2000, the ill-fated Singapore Airlines flight Madam Farzana Abdul Razak was … MESERVE: Was it your impression that the plane ever got off the ground? Of the 179 occupants, 83 were killed, 39 suffered from serious injuries, 32 had minor injuries, while 25 were uninjured.Amongst those who perished, there were 4 crew members. ROCHELLE: So it actually felt like you went... DIAZ: I was in the front section of the plane. John Diaz, thank you for joining us. SIA have removed SQ006 permanently from their timetable. But it was -- it was a nightmare. There were flames everywhere and smoke everywhere; and I ran to the door and there were two girls trying to open the door and it was stuck. I'm going to bring these people into our hotel in Taipei. I didn't see any thunder or lightning. Photos © Erena Shimoda (underwaterhealer.com), According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. "I went in a few weeks ago for a physical, where I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia," Diaz says. DIAZ: It was fairly immediate. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. Despite the support she had from her family and friends, she wanted to meet someone her age who could really understand what she was going through so she built IHadCancer.com, an online peer-to-peer cancer community. He wants to ask you a question here. Kc Restaurant Week 2020, Seana Name Meaning, Mars Retrograde Calendar, Loopies Dog Toys, Nic Sick Throwing Up, Ar Workshop Franchise, Is There A Martin Clan In Scotland, Elizabeth Arden Gift Set Perfume, Jafar Real Name, Louisiana Dotd Road Closures, " />

singapore airlines flight 006 survivors

I really don't want to talk about it at this point. The co-pilot received minor injuries. Though he says he had a prescription, Diaz was arrested in Tijuana for buying drugs illegally. I actually asked -- I mean, I, as a matter of fact, from my hotel today, this morning I started having the concierge call to see if the flight was taking off. "In 2010, I decided to go down -- incredibly stupidly -- to Tijuana. I was in the front section of the plane. Survivors. And I gather you are with Mr. Diaz and perhaps some other survivors. DIAZ: It seemed like it was either getting right off the ground, or -- I don't know, it's just like, it all just happened. What John Diaz witnessed more than 15 years ago in the fiery wreckage of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 has had a profound impact on his life today. Are they telling you anything about the fatalities, about -- what happened about... DIAZ: No, we just got out. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. But it's very difficult to communicate. So we tried to get (UNINTELLIGIBLE), tried to make understood that we needed something to jack this section of the plane up so we could get this guy out. CARL ROCHELLE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Mr. Diaz, you said there was a typhoon. We tried to get the back emergency exit open. So at that point, we tried to get as many people as we could out of the section. TAIPEI, Taiwan -- A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet was on the wrong runway when it started to take off for Los Angeles and crashed this week, killing 81 people, the chief investigator said Friday. Your sense is that's not correct? Were you close to the end of it? They were trying to give her CPR. Diaz was one of 96 passengers that survived the crash. One gentleman, he looked American, was very severely, severely, severely burned. "I didn't realize nearly where I was with this," he says. The following is an overview of all Singapore Airlines flights and destinations: I mean, I'm, honestly, not looking at my watch at this stage in the game, you know. "I was in chemotherapy two days later.". There were people hurt, who were, you know, bleeding, cuts and bruises. ROCHELLE: I wonder if you could elaborate a little more, because the authorities continue to say no fatalities. One of them, John Diaz joins us now on the phone from Taipei. It seemed like the emergency crews took forever to get there, but I'm sure it was only just a few minutes. Once again, this is Singapore Airlines Flight 006. So we all tried to leave and we tried to make our way to the front of what was left of the tail section. The crew had been cleared for a runway 05L departure because runway 05R was closed because of construction work. We all did -- ran a good distance from that plane before we got -- trying to pick up. MESERVE: I gather, Mr. Diaz, you are there with some other survivors. ROCHELLE: Mr. Diaz, can I ask you the same question I asked your colleague? MESERVE: Where are you now exactly? For Covid-19 related assistance, please click here. There had to be fatalities; definitely fatalities. Maybe they were all in the plane and they got out, but I think there were fatalities. We're getting our first pictures from the scene from Taipei. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was about a minute until the plane came in two. The rain right now is just falling -- heavy wind, heavy, heavy rain. ", That "Oprah Show" interview took place nine years ago, and in the time since, Diaz has faced several additional life-threatening hurdles, he tells "Oprah: Where Are They Now?". UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was about a minute. Singapore Airlines (Star Alliance) serves 1 domestic destination and 65 international destinations in 33 countries, as of March 2021. The people that were injured were getting treatment quite quickly once they got to the hotel. Singapore Airlines (SIA) Flight SQ006, which was on its way to Los Angeles from Singapore via Taiwan, crashed on a closed runway at Chiang Kai-shek Airport (now called Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport) during take-off on 31 October 2000 at 11.18 pm local time. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife of nearly 20 years. Were there any thunderstorms, any things associated with it? I mean it was -- I don't know; maybe that was the wind sheer and we hit the ground, I have no idea. I told my wife I can't believe they're going to take off, but they kept saying this was all right; so we all just got on the flight. There were a lot of camera crews there. A Singapore Airlines jet went down on takeoff from Taipei. The TPE-LAX route was operated by Boeing 777 aircraft until its demise on October 1, 2008. ROCHELLE: Was the wind shifting from side to side and different directions? It seems like a damn hurricane. MESERVE: OK, so you have gone to hospital then. ROCHELLE: What were they telling you onboard the aircraft before you took off? We have just heard from someone on the plane that the situation was very grim. And, basically, we got to a certain stage and we could see that the whole plane had broken in two. And the next thing we know, the whole plane was shaking and gliding. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I really wouldn't. "They originally threw me into cell, 8-by-13-foot cell, with 34 other men," he recalls. ROCHELLE: Surely. KAGAN: We can have you stand by. But the airplane continued to go down the runway after the bump -- the airplane continued to go down the runway after the bump, and then -- for a period of time -- and then it began to break apart? But there were lots of fatalities. We had to keep telling him to slow down because he was driving like a fool. The captain of -- maybe one of the stewards on the plane. The captain, co-pilot and relief pilot originated from Singapore on 30 October SQ 006, rested at a hotel in Taipei, and boarded 31 October SQ 006. Of the 179 occupants, 83 were killed, 39 suffered from serious injuries, 32 had minor injuries, while 25 were uninjured.Amongst those who perished, there were 4 crew members. Connect with Mailet: ihadcancer.com/mailet We got out and just started running and the whole thing blew up... DIAZ: ... it was just, like, flames and everything. A typhoon had battered the region, but Diaz's flight -- Singapore Airlines #006 -- was still scheduled to take off amidst torrential rain. MESERVE: John Diaz, thank you for joining us on the telephone. Many carriers in Southeast and East Asia take off during inclement weather. Mr. Diaz, you were on the 747, describe to us what happened. It … Mailet, Breast Cancer Survivor (New York City), At the age of 33, Mailet was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. And we tried to lift. I had a prescription for this drug called Soma, which is [a] very kind of light muscle relaxer," Diaz says. DIAZ: Nobody said a word about anything. A lot of people were still stuck up there. ©2021 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. When I got to the airport, I couldn't believe it. Well, it felt like a minute. DIAZ: No, there didn't seem to be any problem with the engine, but there's a typhoon that's around here. I almost didn't get on the flight. We'll be back in just a moment. Are you sure you're going to take off? I mean, I ran a good distance. Can you explain that to me? He watched them burn in front of his eyes. The total number of people in the emergency room was about 20, including several of the stewardesses. Once again, to recap what we do know here, it's a Singapore Airlines flight. How many of you are there and what condition are you all in? We will, of course, continue to cover the story. Good news in that it's encouraging that there have been survivors taken to a hospital, at least 18 survivors. DIAZ: When I -- I said that it seemed it took a while for them to get people around the plane. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 Crash Likely Due to Combination of Factors Aired October 31, 2000 - 1:23 p.m. It was a very major disaster. I mean the wind is just unbelievable -- it's sheets of rain. That plane broke in half. MESERVE: A Singapore Airlines spokesman just told us that he believed, at this point, there were no fatalities. "I want to live my life so my aura, when it leaves, is very bright. Newsletter Sign Up. I was moments away, they told me, from the point of no return.". I mean time at that time -- everything was in suspended, like, animation. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. The Los Angeles-bound flight, SQ 006… And then there were flames just all over the place. Did you hear engine noise? One woman was receiving CPR. Rescuers retrieving a casualty from the wreckage. ROCHELLE: Mr. Diaz, what are the authorities saying to you? Singapore Airlines flight SQ006 was a scheduled international passenger flight from Chiang Kai-Shek International Airport (TPE), in Taoyuan, Taiwan, ROC, to Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), in Los Angeles, California, USA. Winds must have been somewhere about 60 kilometers. We got on the plane, we started taking off on the runway, it seemed like we were just getting ready to liftoff and it felt like we hit something. Singapore Airlines Flight 006 departed Singapore for a flight to Los Angeles via Taipei. I -- we just didn't know what was going on. DIAZ: I know there was a woman who -- I think a woman died in the room where we were. Diaz says he had no idea how dire the condition of his health was. There were flames just all over the place. The tail was on the ground. He describes an attempted takeoff with noises, bumps, flames, a plane breaking apart and he claims there were fatalities, although a spokesman for Singapore Airlines has told us, at this point, there are none to report. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. It burst into flame right next to me. Diaz boarded the aircraft, along with 158 other passengers, but disaster struck before they even got in the air: The plane exploded after accidentally turning down the wrong runway, colliding with concrete barriers and construction equipment. Just after lifting off the runway, the departing plane … I hit the door with my shoulder, it popped open, and I helped get the folks out and then the slider started to inflate, but we were on the ground; so I jumped out of the plane, got caught up in the slide, freed myself and one other person, I don't know who. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. The flight left gate B-5 and taxied to taxiway NP, which ran parallel to runway 05L and 05R. There were people burning on the flight. MESERVE: Can you describe to me what you heard? List of Singapore Airlines destinations. ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The passengers mostly consisted of Taiwanese and Americans. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, did you sustain any injuries, or are you OK? To me, I asked them, I said, it seemed like it took a long time, they said yes; but then, you -- we really don't know. DIAZ: The wind is just blowing like crazy, shifting everywhere. ROCHELLE: When you felt the bump -- when you felt the bump, did it feel like it ran into something, like the airplane began to stop or slow down or was it a bump underneath... DIAZ: It felt like it hit something. Singapore Airlines changed the flight route designation to SQ030 immediately after the incident, and then later to SQ028. DIAZ: We were at the end of the runway, yes. It was me and I guess the emergency crew. And we sat there for a good hour, in there with all these people and stuff; and then, finally, they had ambulances coming and they got us to this hospital. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. But there was not a very many people that got to the hospital. MESERVE: Hi, this is CNN, you're on the air, can you tell me your name, please? Did you get a sense of how long, in time-wise there was between the time that you heard the noise, felt the bump, and that the airplane actually began to break apart? For any other assistance, you can contact our local Singapore Airlines reservation and ticketing offices. DIAZ: Yes, it seemed like -- they were all hustle and bustle. MESERVE: And Mr. Diaz, those were who were injured, can you describe the injuries they sustained? ROCHELLE: Sir, it's Carl Rochelle in Washington. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. Eventually, the plane -- the tail section that we were in turned over several times and we ended up on our sides with all the passengers -- basically, passengers on one side of the plane were all up in the air. I'm originally from New Orleans, so I'm used to hurricanes and that's what it seems like right now. DIAZ: Nothing was ever said to the passengers. DIAZ: I didn't see -- there is such heavy rain. This is a list of the 81 passengers and crew who died aboard Singapore Airlines Flight 006, as provided by the airline. At that point, there was smoke and flames blowing from the other section of the plane and it was engulfing the tail section. Sin­ga­pore Air­lines Flight 006 ( SQ006 / SIA006) was a sched­uled Sin­ga­pore Air­lines pas­sen­ger flight from Sin­ga­pore Changi Air­port to Los An­ge­les In­ter­na­tional Air­port via Chi­ang Kai-shek In­ter­na­tional Air­port (now Tai­wan Taoyuan In­ter­na­tional Air­port) in Taipei, Tai­wan. Seemed like there were more camera people than doctors, as a matter of fact. Plane Crash Survivor: ‘An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies’. "It gave me a kind of new spirituality in a sense that I believe life continues on," Diaz said. By Lisa Capretto, OWN. Did it seem to you that they arrived promptly on the scene? MESERVE: It's still raining, then. Was that your impression as you left the aircraft? MESERVE: Can you talk to me about the quality of the medical care? MESERVE: And give me your rendition of events -- what happened as this plane tried to take off? The Morning Email. JEANNE MESERVE, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Jeanne Meserve in Washington. "You become an addict no matter what.". "It seemed a bit like an aura was leaving their bodies," Diaz said. SQ006 departed with 3 pilots, 17 cabin crewmembers, and 159 passengers aboard. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote! Speaking with "The Oprah Winfrey Show" several years later, he recounted the horrors he witnessed that day. We tried to get those down. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, with me is Carl Rochelle, he's a pilot and knows something more about aviation. Hometowns are listed where available. They said no, we do this all the time; it's fine. She really enjoyed working with Erena to provide this opportunity to other IHadCancer members and found the whole experience to be very cathartic. I mean, it felt like we hit something. Flight SQ006 was bound for Los Angeles with 159 passengers and 20 crew on board, and took off as typhoon winds and rains pounded the airport just outside Taipei. the conditions were so bad, and I asked them to -- is this flight going to take off? Heavy rain and strong winds from typhoon “Xangsane” prevailed at the time of the accident. A flight in 1985 defeated the odds after landing without any fatalities despite an accident in the air. We were trying to get this guy out, but we couldn't. I don't think we were off the runway, but we were way the hell down there, because it took a while for them to get to us. It crashed as it was trying to take off. The return flight of SQ005 is now SQ029.From now on SQ006 is history. There were people still strapped in their seats. Scheduled departure time at Taipei was 22:55. ROCHELLE: What hotel are you staying at, sir? SHANGHAI--A Singapore Airlines jumbo jet bound for Los Angeles crashed in Taiwan during takeoff Tuesday night, killing 79 people as it burst into flames and broke apart. Plan your holiday with our latest travel deals and promotions. A welcome to our international viewers as we cover a breaking story: A Singapore Airlines jumbo jetliner bound for Los Angeles crashed today in Taiwan. At 23:05:57, ground control cleared the aircraft to taxi to runway 05L via taxiway SS WC then NP. There was one woman who died while we were in the emergency room, or whatever room it was. Flights to Los Angeles continues to be served nonstop as Flight 38 and with a stopover at Tokyo Narita Airport as Flight 12. One gentleman was so distraught he used my phone to call -- the two people he was with died. DIAZ: There were a lot of cuts, there were a lot of burns. It was just the group of us that were in the -- that we saw. Can I just ask you, how long was it -- if you can even keep track of it -- how long between the time you heard the noise and felt the bump and the airplane actually broke apart? JOHN DIAZ, SINGAPORE AIRLINES CRASH SURVIVOR: Well, the weather was absolutely horrendous. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies'. MESERVE: Mr. Diaz, even in the final moments was anything said to the passengers onboard? DIAZ: Yes: bang! DIAZ: Oh, there were tons of fatalities. TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT www.fdch.com, Bush signs order opening 'faith-based' charity office for business, Rescues continue 4 days after devastating India earthquake, DaimlerChrysler employees join rapidly swelling ranks of laid-off U.S. workers, Shaq could miss playoff game for child's birth, Ex-USOC official says athletes bent drug rules, Quake help not fast enough, says Indian PM, Bush: No help from Washington for California power crunch, Prosecutor says witnesses saw rap star shoot gun in club, Ceramist Adler adds furniture to his creations. Now based in Kuala Lumpur, Madam Farzana had been working for four months with Singapore Airlines when the flight she was on, Flight 006, crashed during take-off in … I don't know what happened to her but it didn't look good. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, we were taxiing down the runway, approaching takeoff speed, and then all of a sudden there was a very loud noise, the lights went out, the plane started to come apart; we, obviously, realized at that point we were in a plane crash, and we thought we were all going to die. ROCHELLE: Is this still Mr. -- is it Paul Blanchom? DIAZ: My lungs are a little -- seem a little -- I'm having, you know -- seem a little burned and I think -- I thought I had broken my arm, but I'm bruised from head to foot, I guess, I don't know. And there was a gentleman -- when I got out of the plane, there was a gentleman trapped underneath the tail section of the plane. The plane split in half. It's Flight 006. It seemed like it did take some time. Singapore Flight 006, with 159 passengers and 20 crew members on board, reportedly struck an object on the runway in Taipei just before taking off in a storm. Book flight tickets from Singapore to international destinations with Singapore Airlines. DIAZ: Yes, the tail end of the plane broke completely off from the plane and it slid around. Can you describe... MESERVE: Can you describe the loud noise that you said you heard as the plane went down the runway? I guess two or three ambulances left before us and -- so we don't know about those guys, but there weren't a lot of people at that hospital. That's when he received shocking news. And I was all the way -- I was in the very front seat. Did it seem to you that the hospitals in Taipei were ready to handle this magnitude of an emergency? MESERVE: It blew up? Upon returning home, Diaz began to get back into what he calls "a normal routine," going to the gym, and taking better care of himself. If there are no fatalities -- we only saw -- there were only 20 of us. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. I didn't want to go through a plane crash and then die in a car crash. "After close to three months, they dropped all the charges and let me go.". Some of the people that were in the tail are with me right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I stood on the runway trying to get this guy out from underneath the tail section, yes. Today is National Voter Registration Day! His addiction soon seemed to spiral. It happened just after the Boeing 747 took off in severe weather from the international airport in Taipei. Stunning Underwater Healing Photos of Cancer Survivors, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. ", Eventually, Diaz was free to return to the U.S. "We ended up using the Mexican legal system to get me out of the prison," he says. Airlines (SIA) Flight SQ006, a Boeing 747-400 aircraft, bearing Singapore registration No. DIAZ: The Shangri-La Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. In October of 2000, music producer John Diaz was wrapping up a long business trip in Asia, eager to return home to his wife and two children. Plane Crash Survivor: 'An Aura Was Leaving Their Bodies' What John Diaz witnessed more than 15 years ago in the fiery wreckage of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 has had a profound impact on his life today. MESERVE: And when you were picked up, you were... DIAZ: We had no idea. It was en route to Los Angeles -- Singapore Airlines Flight 006. Do any of them want to speak to us on the telephone as well? Did the pilot ever give you any warning about severe weather? Today, the plane crash survivor says he is fighting for his life once again, but still appears committed as ever to keeping his aura bright. 179 passengers and crew, including 3 children and 3 infants, were on the aircraft at the time of the crash. The crash of Singapore Airlines Flight 006 [A Singapore Airlines 747-400 crashed during takeoff, from Taiwan on October 31, 2000, with the loss of 82 lives.] Officials say 179 people were onboard Flight 006 and some survivors are reported. But they were doing what they could. I mean the wind was -- and the rain was just unbelievable. On Oct 31, 2000, the ill-fated Singapore Airlines flight Madam Farzana Abdul Razak was … MESERVE: Was it your impression that the plane ever got off the ground? Of the 179 occupants, 83 were killed, 39 suffered from serious injuries, 32 had minor injuries, while 25 were uninjured.Amongst those who perished, there were 4 crew members. ROCHELLE: So it actually felt like you went... DIAZ: I was in the front section of the plane. John Diaz, thank you for joining us. SIA have removed SQ006 permanently from their timetable. But it was -- it was a nightmare. There were flames everywhere and smoke everywhere; and I ran to the door and there were two girls trying to open the door and it was stuck. I'm going to bring these people into our hotel in Taipei. I didn't see any thunder or lightning. Photos © Erena Shimoda (underwaterhealer.com), According to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. "I went in a few weeks ago for a physical, where I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia," Diaz says. DIAZ: It was fairly immediate. 79 passengers and crew died on impact and immediately after the crash and 2 passengers died at a hospital. Despite the support she had from her family and friends, she wanted to meet someone her age who could really understand what she was going through so she built IHadCancer.com, an online peer-to-peer cancer community. He wants to ask you a question here.

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