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eastleigh local plan examination

As the examination of Eastleigh’s Local Plan closes, the wait for a verdict begins. Eastleigh Borough Council has submitted its Local Plan to the Secretary of State for formal examination today (31 October) and while the Leader of Eastleigh Council says it will deliver “the right homes in the right places” local residents objecting to the plan say they believe it … The public examination of Eastleigh’s long delayed Local Plan draws to its conclusion this week with a change of venue for the last two days of hearings after the original venue – the Botleigh Grange Hotel – pulled down the shutters and called in the administrators. development Eastleigh. Hundreds of campaigners, along with local TV crews, converged on the Botleigh Grange Hotel yesterday morning as Action Against Destructive Development (ADD) staged a demonstration on the second day of the public examination of Eastleigh’s Council’s Local Plan. Natural England (2015), ED65          Feb 2019     Additional comment by Terra Firma on behalf of CPRE in response to EBC’s revised  ‘Landscape Sensitivity Appraisal of Sites  bringing considered for Strategic Development as part of the EBLP 2011-2036   (Examination library document SGO004), ED66          12.12.19      Botley Parish Council: Matter 8 Policy S8 Details of delineation/inclusion of 3 areas of land in Local Gap, ED66A                             Plan of areas 1, ED66B                             Plan of areas 2, ED67          28.1.20        Council’s updated hearing statement for Policies WE4, BO1, BO2, BO3 and E6, E7 and E9, ED67a                             Map of site WE4, ED68          28.1.20       EBC response to legal opinions submitted on behalf of Persimmon Homes, South Coast  (Matters 1, 2 and 3), ED69          28.1.20       EBC response to legal options submitted by Against Against Destructive Development on Day 1 of the hearing sessions, ED70           25.3.20      Inspector's Letter to Council concerning her post Hearings advice, ED71           01.4.20      Inspector’s Post Hearing Advice, ED72          18.05.20    Inspector’s Action Points for Eastleigh Borough Council arising during the Hearing Sessions, ED73          18.05.20    Inspector's letter to the Council concerning Site HA2, ED74          06.07.20    Eastleigh Borough Council's letter to Inspector concerning the continuation of the Examination, ED75          04.08.20    Inspector's letter to Eastleigh Borough Council concerning the ONS 2018 based Household Projections, ED76          05.08.20    Inspector’s letter to Eastleigh Borough Council concerning Use Classes Order, ED77          21.08.20    Council’s reply to the Inspector’s letter of 4 August (ED75) concerning Household Projections, ED78          9.10.20      Letter from EBC Chief Executive to Inspector re Main Modifications to Policy HA2 Mercury Marina, ED79          28.10.20    Inspector's reply to Chief Executive’s letter of 9.10.20 (ED78), ED80          Sept 2020  Eastleigh Borough Council Position Statement on Policy HA2 Mercury Marina, ED81          11.11.20    Inspector’s Update on Examination, ED82          13.11.20    Inspector’s Issues and Questions for further Examination, ED83          13.11.20   Inspector’s Guidance Note, ED84          15.10.20   Eastleigh Borough Countryside Gaps Study Report (This document is being published in advance of the Main Modifications as it is being referred to in the SoCG between EBC and RB Sports for the further hearing session on Mercury Marina HA2 which is being held on 5 January 2021), ED85          27.1.21     Inspector’s Letter to the Council: Progress to Main Modifications Consultation, ED86          19.10.20    General Matters, ED87          19.10.20    Matter 1: Legal & procedural, ED88          19.10.20    Matter 2: Vision, objectives, Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment, ED89          19.10.20    Matter 3: Strategic Policies, spatial strategy & distribution of development, ED90          19.10.20    Matter 4: Housing need, housing trajectory, housing land supply, five-year supply and affordable housing, ED91          19.10.20    Matter 5: Strategic Growth Option, ED92          19.10.20    Matter 6: Transport, infrastructure and delivery, ED93          19.10.20    Matter 7: General housing matters, ED94          19.10.20    Matter 8: Countryside & green infrastructure, ED95          19.10.20    Matter 9: Gypsies and travellers, nature conservation, recreation, open spaces and heritage, ED96          19.10.20    Matter 10: Meeting employment Needs and the Rural Economy, ED97          19.10.20    Matter 11: Community facilities and retail development, ED98          19.10.20    Matter 12: Climate change, flood risk and pollution, ED99          19.10.20    Matter 13: Site Allocations, ED100        19.10.20    Matter 14: Delivery and monitoring, ED101        July 2020  EBC: Housing supply update, ED102        July 2020  ORS: Affordable Housing Assessment update, ED103        Oct 2020   EBC: Employment provision and the Chickenhall Lane Link Road, ED103A      06.11.20   Letter from Network rail re Chickenhall lane Link road and employment provision, ED103B      06.11.20   Eastleigh Memorandum of Understanding Map 01, ED103C      06.11.20   Eastleigh Memorandum of Understanding Map 02.A, ED104        Oct 2020   EBC: Retail Provision with the SGO and Retail Needs, ED105        Oct 2020   EBC: Response to Inspector’s letter (ED76) on Implications of changes to the Use Class Order, © Copyright 2021 Eastleigh Borough Council, Notification to Regulation 19 respondents of appointment of Inspector and Programme Officer, Notification of the change of Inspector for the Examination, Inspector's initial letter to Eastleigh Borough Council, Council’s reply  to the Inspector’s letter of 20.3.19 (ED3), Inspector’s letter to EBC following their letter of 29.3.19 (ED4), Transport assessment based on a phased approach to the completion of the SGO and link road (and appendices), EBC letter to Inspector - Overview New Forest Recreation Mitigation, nspector’s letter to EBC:  Submission dates for evidence, EBC letter to Inspector including table of submission dates for evidence updates, Sustainability Appraisal addendum (update doc 3: SUB016), Habitats Regulation Assessment Report - (Update doc 4a SUB017a), Habitats Regulation Assessment Update - Appendices (update doc 4b: SUB017b), Eastleigh Borough Council New Forest Interim Mitigation (update doc 7b: SUB019B), Southampton city Council further comments on regulation 19 representation (update doc 6: SUB018), Highways England comments on Local Plan Transport Assessment Review (update doc 7a: SUB 019A), EBC Response (Systra) to Highways England comments on Local Plan Transport Assessment (update doc 7b:   SUB019B), Supplement to Transport Assessments (update doc 7c:  SUB019C), Transport Assessment Part 1 with minor amendments (update doc 7D:   SUB019d), Transport Assessment Part 2 inc. appendices with minor amendments (update doc 7E: SUB019d), EBC: Update Public Transport & cycling strategy (update doc 8: SGO022), EBC: Strategic Growth Options: Comparative Assessment background paper Transport issues, EBC: Housing Programme Update and Appendix 1, Appendix A Update Housing Trajectory Appendices, EBC: Update Employment Trajectory rebased to 2018, Arcadian Ecology: Survey of Southern Damsel Fly in Itchen Country Park, Ricardo Energy & Environment: Human Air quality Impact Assessment Updates and 2020 Model, M3 J12 Improvements Preliminary Assessment Report for Pitmore Bridge and Hocombe Bridge for proposed Carriageway Widening, Atkins technical note on M3 Junction 12 improvements Allbrook Way widening, Highbridge Road to Bishopstoke Lane Review including appendices, Allbrook Road Bridge  Replacement to accommodate PBA road improvements Technical Note, EBC: Deliverability & Viability of Strategic Growth Options, EBC: LP Viability - Strategic Growth Options Additional Scenario Testing, Appendix I SGO Sensitivity Testing - Results Summary, Appendix 2 SGO Sensitivity Testing - Appraisal Summaries, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Winchester City Council, Statement of Common Ground on the Strategic Growth Options and Ancient Woodland, Eastleigh Borough Council’s schedule of proposed main  modifications to the Local Plan, Eastleigh Borough Council Local Plan with track changes showing initial proposed modifications, Eastleigh Borough Council schedule of additional modifications, Eastleigh Borough Council initial Local Plan inset map changes, Policies Map changes Part 1  (PM16 and 17), Policies Map changes Part 1  (PM18 and key), Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council as Local Education Authority, Inspector’s Guidance Notes for the Examination, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Partnership for South Hampshire, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Legal and Soundness, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Strategic Policies, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Site Allocations, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Development Management Policies, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Other comments, Representations received on Submission version of Local Plan at Regulation 19 and EBC responses - Site Notices Consultation, Inspector’s Matters, Issues and questions for Hearing sessions, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and South Downs National Park Authority, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Network Rail:  Allbrook Rail Bridge, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Network Rail:  General Issues, SoCG on biodiversity between Eastleigh Borough Council, Environment Agency and Natural England, Action Against Destructive Development:  Professor David Sear Fine Sediment Report in response to ED47 (SoCG between EBC, Environment Agency and Natural England), CPRE Hampshire:   Addendum to Matter 4 hearing statement RE:  ONS 2018 based population projections, Inspector’s letter to Eastleigh Council re Matter 6 question 6.10, Report by G L Hearn on Eastleigh Borough Council’s 5 year land supply, Eastleigh Borough Council:  Formal request to the Inspector to recommend any Main Modifications necessary, Strategic Growth Option and Ancient Woodland, Note of deleted decision on Regulation 19 consultation on submission draft of  Local Plan, Final delegated decision on regulation 19 consultation on submission draft of Local Plan, EBC Housing & Infrastructure Trajectory: ( Inspector’s Matters Issues and Questions Matter 6 Question 10), Steve Brine - Eastleigh Local Plan EiP speaking notes, Report to Cabinet on Strategic Growth Options for EBC  15.12.16, Statement of Common Ground between Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, Appendix A:  HCC response to Issues and Options consultation February  2016, Appendix B:  HCC response at Regulation 6 August 2018, Updated table 8 page 20  in report by G L Hearn on EBC’s 5YHLS (ED51): EBC  housing requirement 1.4.19 to 30.4.24, Eastleigh Borough Council:  5 Year Housing Land Supply, Letter from Action Against Destructive Development with details of Supporters, Woodland Trust:  Impacts of nearby development on the ecology of ancient woodland, Woodland Trust:  Addendums to Addendum to ED63 - Impacts of nearby development on ecology of ancient woodland, Natural England Commissioned Report NECR181; Green Bridges; A literature review.

Beauty Influencer Campaigns, Www Worcesterma Gov Employment, Pick Up Lines About The Sun, Atlantis Room Service, Placenta Previa Grades,

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