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why super speed is the best superpower

But it would most likely only be a good power if you could make others immortal and be able to shut down/turn off your immortality and then turn it back on. Enhanced Speed - User can move faster than peak humans, but not too high superhuman levels. Now one person said that it's senseless to apply science to superheroes and that isn't true. Super speed is easily one of the most powerful abilities in comic book history. Now, it might look cool when Nightcrawler *BAMFs* from location to location in a battle, but it isn't his teleportation that matters as much as his hand-to-hand fighting skills (or a combination of both).However, it can be used to great effect and could change the course of every battle. At the true basis of the power, it allows the user to make themselves and possibly other things invisible to the naked eye. There's so much more to it as well this is a short breakdown. It is also one of the best ways to get across the oceans to other crisis areas. Wanna know your super power? With super intelligence to enhance that (and time, of course), the applications that these technologies have can be expanded massively. Note that, with this graduate interview question, you aren’t being asked which superhero you’d be. The Superpower Wiki is a very useful place if you’re trying to remember what a certain ability is called or if you’re trying to find every hero and villain who manipulates ice, for example. Not saying flying is trash because I really like it but it lacks versatility and definitely isn't a top ten power. You can, and you will always be right, win arguments, know answer to every question, always hit the ball, always dodge attacks of any sorts, and look like a smart and badass at the Same time! Jean Grey was one of the earliest Marvel heroes to use telekinesis and it comes in handy when a person can throw large or deadly objects at an enemy in a fight. ...more, #Tangled. Immortality is a nice superpower to have if a person really doesn't want to die. It took confronting a rabid pit bull in middle school to understand the awesomeness of superpowers and how not having them sucks when you’re in a bind. Super speed is nearly impossible to beat unless you have omnipotence. However, the ability to make other things invisible is invaluable. You can control everything! Powerlisting. This power lets you make bullets or lasers hit the ground before they hit you. You could have infinite strength, with a single tap pulverizing diamond. No. You would be as unto a god if you had the power to control time. Do you want to know what kind of superpower you will have? We've done some crazy stuff and earth still is here so moving objects with your mind isn't super crazy when you compare traveling to other-worldly objects in a pressurized container as a person in the middle ages. lorien legacies, fantastic four etc. You can read minds. Forgot the time to go to school! You can alter your own cells, making you immune to anything. Twitter. It's kind of a nerdy question, but it always seems to come up. The answers, of course, all depend on the age of the person asked. Just have your clone go to school and when it returns, declone he/she and mere so you don't have a clone and the info they learned is planted in your mind and it was as if you were actually at school. This is the only power listed here that is worth a damn for practical purposes. This doesn't mean that you can't freeze time to catch up on homework, or finish a book before you have to go to school. 45 Comments. Also, who would want to stop time? Most people can't answer right away because there's so many to choose from. Spray some into the fireplace with the wood from nature! My other votes are shapeshift, telekenesis, teleportation, healing ability, control major elements, super intelligence, ability to absord other powers, and mind control. Honestly, if you had complete knowledge of matter and control of this, you would be inconceivably powerful. It could cause a massive amount of strain in your body resulting in multiple side affect which will eventually leave you physically or even psychologically damaged beyond repair. Most of these thoughts are unconscious, so you have absolutely no control over when you create the physical incarnation of lust, rage, fear, etc... With this, you could literally do anything you want, invisibility, time control, quantum tunneling, even omnipotence or omniscience. The definition of omnipotence is having unlimited power; able to do anything. Even so, except in the realm of sports, this power doesn’t seem to be particularly great to have as your one and only power. From running so fast your punches become extremely powerful. Flash has also used his powers to alter and change an entire universe, as shown in Flashpoint -- and that alone makes it a very dangerous power. Take a look at Krypton, where Brainiac is trying to stop the birth of Superman. November 14, 2013 by Allan Mott 17 Comments. He does have the visor that allows him to control the power, but if he loses said visor, there is no control over its devastation. Assuming the use of this ability doesn't negatively impact your physical and mental state through the stress of exerting your powers, telekenesis is a power with infinite possibilities. Here's What An Expert Told Us. If someone tried to poison you, you can change make up of your body to be immune. Or combining water and fire to make water vapor and use it as a fog to hide whenever you are in a fight. Comic book fans are a diverse bunch, but they all have one dream in common: To develop superpowers, then use them to fight off a zombie uprising. CBR presents your options. At that moment they weren't suffocating so when time stops on them they don't suffocate! How to use superpower in a sentence. Read the teacher's mind.Late for work? Ever. You do all this with slow-mo and rewind abilities. He also has complete control over it, so he can amp it up and shoot a hole through a tank or lower it and pop off a doorknob. Peak Human Speed - User can move as fast as humanly possible. If a powerful villain like Darkseid shows up on Earth, someone like Superman is needed because who else can really go toe-to-toe with the conqueror of worlds in a fist fight? Done!Want to grow a garden? You don’t need a flying ability. As we all learned in Back To The Future and other cultural touchstones, messing with the time stream is a very dangerous game. You’re given a choice between two superpowers– flight or super speed. How could this ever be in 14th place. Buy an airline ticket cheapskate. It's the best thing ever! Nice and easy.Want to fly? You can heal wounds just by moving the cells around, levitate yourself and fly wherever you want. Of course, X-rays vision is real. I know exactly what I'd pick, hands down, every time: invisibility. Somebody attacks you? Register Start a Wiki. Mind Control: My biggest complaint is that this power only seems to be used by the bad guys. I honestly don't know why people even have this discussion. People might have watched the Stephen King movie Carrie and came away with the thought that telekinesis was a power worthy of the best superheroes. How would you not become a target for murderous retribution. Another great example is Taskmaster, who has such heightened senses that he can watch a hero fight and immediately have the skills to replicate everything he witnessed, or Spider-Man, who has his very own "spider-sense" which warns him of danger. Yes if you're bulletproof you should be immune to everything weaker than a bullet. Some people argue that if a person (as in human) is incapable of dying, they would also suffer the inescapable ...more. That's definitely powerful. You’re in a garden. Cyclops, while not technically a laser (it is an optic blast), has a similar power but has no control over turning it on or off. At the bottom of the list is none other than one of the most well-known superpowers of them all: X-ray vision. Sadly, it is believed that dolphins use around 18% to 19% of their brain's capacity.The realm of what a human can accomplish using more than 20% of their brain capacity is highly speculative and ultimately a mystery. This is clearly the be best and most OP superpower. It has a VERY high chance of failing. Best part? The clear disadvantage here is that she can almost kill the person she touches. His slogan is "faster than a speeding bullet," and he's even faster than that. For example he was able to recite Pi up to 22,514 digits in five hours and nine minutes on 14 March 2004. and made weaker than it should be e.g. Flying is probably the best solution. You may even outrun the light if you give it a try. Turn into a mere grain of sand, and spy on anyone. Then they're stopped at that moment! When it comes to comics, writers just let a person with X-ray vision see through, behind or inside anything. But... than... That previously mentione job, is an important one. This essay will explain why super speed is my ideal super power. First, the acceleration. You would be crazy popular. In addition, invisibility has many many applications as mentioned above whereas with many powers they only have one purpose and are not practical in everyday with the powers most likely to be hard to hide. It’s the next great adventure, Immortality is not what most of you think it is.

Cm Office Contact Number, Makeup Artist Awards 2019, Jay Boogie Net Worth, So You Think You Can Dance Canada Winner, Mega Man 10 Secret Bosses, Canadiens De Montreal 1988 Roster,

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