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weather modification treaties

These claims are consistent with the US military’s admitted objectives regarding weather warfare. The 1997 Weather Wars: Pentagon Plans Weather as a Weapon article by the New York Times noted that the US Air Force was considering using such lasers for lightning attacks. [2], Many states do not regard this as a complete ban on the use of herbicides in warfare, such as Agent Orange, but it does require case-by-case consideration. Furthermore, Manning and Dr. Begich provide much evidence that HAARP is based on Eastland’s patents, which themselves originate from the work of Dr. Tesla. The management team also consists of scientists from universities, the private sector, and government. Alaska has another one near Fairbanks known as the High Power Auroral Stimulation (HIPAS). The Convention on Biological Diversity of 2010 would also ban some forms of weather modification or geoengineering. The creation of fog is now possible. As used in this Agreement: 1. A Russian company called Elate Intelligent Technologies Incorporated has offered a professional weather modification service using directed-energy since at least 1992. The ELF waves which it produces can be transmitted over thousands of kilometers covering a significant portion of the earth through a waveguide, which is a type of virtual pathway formed by the ground and ionosphere. “Weather-modification offers the warfighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.”. The Tesla’s New Device Like Bolts of Thor article, which appeared in the December 8, 1915 issue of the New York Times, mentioned how Dr. Tesla claimed his death ray was so accurate it could paralyze or kill anyone on the planet. Really how ignorant are people it’s on the state. HAARP is also capable of transferring massive amounts of energy to specific points on the planet by creating a virtual conduit consisting of a series of ionospheric mirrors. The technique used seeding units which were composed of silver iodide developed at the Naval Weapons Center in China Lake California. This is the last admission that such weather modification capabilities exist before they get into the treaty provisions prohibiting the exercise of such capabilities. Specific references were made to weapons capable of information war, mood management, and mind control. "Weather modification activities", means activities performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behaviour, or dynamics of the atmosphere; 2. In its Acoustic Weapons Prospective Assessment article of 2001, Science and Global Security stated that infrasound, (which is a type of ELF wave that HAARP can produce), can cause localized earthquakes.5 The Tofflers also wrote about how sophisticated ecological weaponry could use electromagnetic waves to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, in their 1993 book, War and Antiwar. In 1947 the US Navy, Army, and Air Force, working with General Electric Corporation, made the first attempt to modify a hurricane under Project Cirrus, by dropping about 80 pounds of dry ice into clouds. Weather modification, by comparison, is relatively inexpensive. PsyOp themes are used to let me know they are attacks. In high-frequency conversion mode it is capable of generating infrared and visible light which means frequencies into the terahertz (THz) range. After his death in 1943 his belongings were seized by the FBI and declared top secret. The first was the Developmental Prototype (DP), which had 18 antenna elements, organized in three columns by six rows. 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Weather modification, which could also be called “weather intervention,” is the intentional alteration of the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere occurring over a specified area and time period to accomplish a particular goal (NRC, 2003). It works in the following way: One beam of circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 1800 to 3600 kHz forms the initial dome. Other countries which have these "research" facilities include Peru, Ukraine, and Tadzhikistan. Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature. It was allegedly responsible for the 1952 flood in the Devon village of Lynmouth, which resulted in 34 deaths and the destruction of multiple structures. The beam could cause armies of millions to drop dead immediately. This is the last admission that such weather modification capabilities exist before they get into the treaty provisions prohibiting the exercise of such capabilities. The entire IRI is surrounded by a fence and sits on gravel padding on about 40 acres of land. Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio attempted to ban weapons such as HAARP in October of 2001 by introducing the Space Preservation Act of 2001. APPENDIX C. Planned Weather Modification. 1974 - 3795626 – weather modification process; 1974 - 3808595 – chaff dispensing system; 1974 - 3813875 – rocket having barium release system to create ion clouds in the upper atmopsphere (nasa) 1974 - 3835059 – methods of generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification and apparatus therefore Why was this weather modification treaty signed ? It exists to detect underground structures, to search for natural resources, to address national security issues, to communicate with submerged submarines using ELF waves, for surveillance purposes, and to examine new options for strategic communications. These mirrors can also be used to intercept other types of wireless transmissions for eavesdropping purposes, or to enhance friendly communications. Our solution is an addendum to the international weather warfare ban requiring two things: • TRANSPARENCY: a worldwide requirement to give 48 hour notice before modifying or experimenting in our sky or surrounding atmosphere. The transmitters are located underneath the IRI in 30 environmentally-controlled shelters that are 38’ long by 8’ wide by 10’ high. To see the weather modification be expanded in to Laos and Cambodia is not surprising, but from the perspective of most of these witnesses, it supported the need for an international treaty on weather modification, for which the hearing was being held. The two basic methods to accomplish weather modification include cloud seeding and directed-energy. UN 1976 Weather Weapon Treaty - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America Relating to the Exchange of Information on Weather Modification Activities. Synthetic fog made from glycols and glycerin has even been proposed as a nonlethal weapon. The combination of these energy beams creates a protective dome of 20 million volts. According to a statement from Beijing that cites “breakthroughs” in weather control technology, by 2025 China will possess a “developed weather modification system.” That system will moderate the precipitation — both snowfall and rainfall — within an area of about 2.1 million square miles. Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques - A/RES/31/72 Annex - an element of the body of UN Documents for earth stewardship and international decades for a culture of peace and non-violence for the children of the world It describes how a protective dome could cover a select surface of the planet. According to the patent, all modes of civilian and military communications including land, sea, and air, could be disrupted simultaneously. Similarly, Eastland’s patent describes how mirrors that are charged to certain frequencies can be used as a conduit to transport particles that have certain characteristics to specific locations. These mirrors are also called lenses or Artificial Ionospheric Mirrors (AIMs) by the US Air Force. Changes in weather or climate patterns, in ocean currents, or in the state of the ozone layer or ionosphere, or an upset in the ecological balance of a region are some of the effects which might result from the use of environmental modification techniques. In addition to HAARP’s destructive capabilities that span the physical realm, Manning and Dr. Begich, as well as other sources have noted that the ELF waves which HAARP can produce, include the exact same dominant frequencies on which the human brain functions. “It may be that God made the world,” Russell proclaimed, “that is no reason why we should not make it over.”. (b) "WEATHER MODIFICATION activities of mutual interest" means WEATHER MODIFICATION activities carried out In or over the territory of a Party within 200 miles of the international boundary; or such activities wherever conducted, which, in the judgment of a Party, may significantly affect the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere over the territory of the other Party; Weather Modification, Incorporated is the leader in atmospheric assessment and evaluation. All rights reserved. The US Navy’s 1994 Nonlethal Warfare Proposal, acknowledged the successful use of weather modification as an instrument of warfare in Vietnam and described how the creation of floods, blizzards, and droughts could be used to destroy a nation’s economy. It consists of 180, 72’ tall towers that collectively transmit a narrow beam of energy from 2.8 to 10 MHz.4 The towers are mounted on thermopiles spaced 80’ apart in a 12 x 15 rectangular arrangement. 319 WEATHER MODIFICATION RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2005 _____ R E P O R T OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION on S. 517 DATE deg.December 8, 2005.--Ordered to be printed Filed under authority of the order of the Senate of November 18, 2005 …

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