DISCLAIMER: The following article is a work of satire and fiction and OMG where do i hit my head. Another MOROON who took it serious...hahahahaha, Awesomely awesome NFP ............ i am fed up of all sort of conspiracy theories in our beloved country.......Don't know when we will learn to give credit where it is deserved # Malala rocks # Robert De Niro rocks # NFP rocks, just read the story..... and the final lines are:-. A fake ambulance suddenly arrives on the scene and takes away Malala. She was never shot at, never suffered any injuries and is playing fool with Pakistan and our fame-hungry media. Forth picture ? @James bond:so dont knw that it was a satire. amazing piece of writing it really made me feel as if it was a jolting reality that i got to know but gradually as i continued reading the story turned hilarious.. good work!!! I came very near to forward this script to my Professor for my PhD research. Great and funny article yet again by Nadeem Paracha. Speeding past stereotypes: foodpanda and Women on Wheels partner to empower women in Pakistan, باڈی بلڈنگ کے دوران یہ غلطی کرنا بانجھ پن کا شکار کرسکتی ہے, میگھن مارکل و شہزادہ ہیری کے انٹرویو کا ریکارڈ, سندھ میں موجود وہ مقبرہ جس کا پتھر گجرات سے لایا گیا, Sindh IG forms inquiry committee to investigate killing of varsity student in 'encounter', ECP accepts for hearing PTI petition seeking Gilani's disqualification from Senate, After pigeons, India takes PIA balloon into custody in occupied Kashmir, ECP rejects plea to stop issuance of Faisal Vawda's Senate victory notification, Education institutes in 7 Punjab cities to close for 2 weeks from March 15, In message to China, Biden to meet Australia, India, Japan PMs, India takes PIA balloon into custody and Twitter can't handle it, Riz Ahmed bags BAFTA leading actor nomination for Sound of Metal, Schools are closing in Punjab and half of student Twitter want Shafqat Mahmood as PM, Pakistan Origin Card holders ineligible for Covid vaccine, NCOC to review decision on reopening schools amid rise in Covid-19 cases, Anger over lies which led to killing of French teacher for allegedly showing pictures of Prophet, Indian Prime Minister Modi inaugurates bridge to connect India, Bangladesh, Govt senators being approached to change loyalties: PM, JUI-F's Maulana Ghafoor Haideri rejects govt offer of Senate deputy chairmanship, How the Modi administration has transformed India into an illiberal democracy, Editorial: No foreign-dictated peace can succeed in pacifying Afghanistan, The British royal family’s racism isn’t its biggest problem. The Pashtun earwax DNA had Niswaar. Now we are waiting to read a similar 007 kind of story about Afia Siddiqui. @JS: His skills of story writting reminded me old days of ISSB test. I've seen comments on fb and elsewhere. > in no way attempts to depict events in real life. :D "Malala went for bungee jumping after being shot. Very funny NFP. True story through and through. A respected medical doctor in Swat, Imtiaz Ali Khanzai, who runs a private hospital and clinic in Swat told our reporters that he has a DNA report that proves that Malala is not Pushtun. So funny Mr. Paracha...... pizza in ear wax!! THE race for the Senate chairman and deputy chairman has reached an interesting stage. But the growing prominence of her activism led Taliban gunmen to target Yousafzai, who had begun blogging anonymously for BBC Urdu when she was just 11. What stops you from celebrating a Pakistani that is showing the entire world that we want peace, education and equality and that the image the world has of Pakistan is distorted. I WAS GOING AROUND CURSING UNTIL I REACHED THE MITCHELLS TOMATO KETCHEP AND DISCLAIMER. All this shady reporting based solely on what sounds like a made up doctor. A lovely way to ride the Malala wagon Mr Paracha. @Shaukat Basit:may be i was. Following her miraculous recovery, Malala turned into a global icon. Neither did she need a former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown out to sell his "for profit" schools who doesn't give a fig for gender justice in the UK.. She is being exploited now as a commodity of the west... What an amazing piece of satire! The attack caused outrage around the world and the news was given widespread coverage in the local and international media. Earwax...totally priceless! I would like to learn the method of intercepting twitters messages! By the way my friend had been a senior executive for Citibanks and likes. Is there also a Karachi gene and a Lahore gene? Bits of Pizza in the ear wax was the best! Q4 Did her father not know that a blank can kill someone from point blank range? And noble prize goes to.............mr paracha..hahahahaha, This is our social dilemma to believe on all types of conspiracies. Just what us Pakistanis want to hear about Malala..... brilliantly put together....couldn't control my laughter while reading it. @Mustafa: They fear some aliens might land on earth in the 22nd century. But their enemies always get doses of happiness when these Angel-lookers are out again to search for new angels to solve their new set-backs. You had me for a minute. he he ... ha ha... ho ho... NFP you made my day... hahahha..... Noble Prize ather should be give to that doctor.......era wax collector........... LOLX ... Malala was Bungee jumpingg ... celebrating her victory :P. Well Nadeem you must now write an article on those stupid morons who are either deliberately or due to their characterisic stupidity, projecting this article on social media as a real research piece against Malala. I am now convinced that after Malala Yousufzai, Nadeem F. Paracha is one of the only saving graces of Pakistan. Malala Yousafzai has become one of the world’s most powerful voices on female education - and now she is trying to use her influence to help refugees. Jiyo aur aisey hee likhtey raho.wallahi. hope don't have to go to the doctor in Swat to get my DNA extracted. All you need to know about everything that matters. Amazing, how NFP kept giving clear signs of this being a satire, and yet, there were those who took it seriously? Nadeem paracha proved his eligibility for the head of Intelligence services. She gained global attention when she survived an assassination attempt at age 15. He added: “These were excavated in North Waziristan by the archaeology division of the Taliban. To me that bungee jumping looks like a young blond woman. According to the testimony, a man stopped the van and shouted (in Pashtu), ‘who is Jane … I mean, Jeanette … no, Alberta Joan Lucas?’, The girls looked at each other in confusion and the driver was about to drive away when the gunman pulled out a gun and started to shout: ‘Uno momento, un momento …’, Then looking at a girl he asked: ‘You lookin’ at me?’ At which Malala threw down her school bag and shouted (in Italian): ‘No you idiot, I AM lookin’ at you. i have dozens of sharing on facebook and twitter. I didn't need to see De Niro's pic to find it was satire ! I couldn't believe someone had written such imaginative evidence. ??? Instead of thanking her, let's put all of the effort possible into making her a white polish christian, because that will discredit her whole story. May Allah truly bless you. His father a Christian or Muslim was there. great NFP loved it. You are extremely talented, you achieved what you aimed for, I don't know how many people misunderstood your humour for real. Please. looking at the picture, I see all human skulls. Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? A comedy drama could be made using it but then all the crew and cast will have to seek asylum in elsewhere. hahahaha, Moral of the story ...... Clean your ears yourself and never let the wax accumulated in your ears. Its getting a lot of play. Q10 Was Malala fluent in Italian when she came fron Poland, the assassin from Italy? ekdam Hilarious ... sir, your writings are just too good !! There are 3.7 million out-of-school children in Afghanistan — 60% are girls. For those with tedious brain cells - please Google the word 'satire'. !! thoroughly enjoyed reading it.. Every body finding this real story........... How you write this type of stories is really amazing...........Hats off to you for Bin laden story too, I was confused when doctor proved her to be a Polish and Caucasian. He intercepts Malala’s school van and fires blanks at her. Everyone was happy. I went home and saw my friends, my school teachers, my neighbours, my family members, everyone. Please reveal the True story of Laal Masjid too but don't use the character of any Burqa Avenger else I am sure You will get bombardment of awesomely dubious responses for that too. LOL. looks like paracha's brain was seriously trolled by tsunami_mommy. and than she looks at my computer screen and like whats there....hahaha. loling. People still believe that it is real story . Master X met one of our reporters at an abandoned girls’ school in lower Swat. • The girl that the media was shown in the hospital was not Malala. We should drop 5,000 smart women into SWAT... seriously! :). His revelations led us to our next shocking discovery (with evidence): • Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. What I wanted to say is already be said by you ;-) @Ahmed: looks like a bollywood Masala movie! I mean what do CIA and ISI got after this fake operation? how calmly wrote a fiction which actually have hidden logics..well wrote Sir. @Khalid: See the following links that may wake you up: October 11, 2012: The Italian-America arrives in Swat posing as an Uzbek homeopath. @Mohammad Afzal: Nice Piece Of Writing. After extracting the DNA of the shooter’s earwax, the doctor discovered that he was probably from Italy. And she continues to support her fund. and we are expecting a young girl to influence specially world leadership for doing something for us. I didn't find it that funny , was wayward and far fetched from the actual happenings :), @Masood Hussain: @Devil: I think he gets his ideas from Daily Ummat. Funny but far too long. SHOWS ALL OF YOU WERE BAD STUDENTS IN SCHOOL COMMENTING HERE: Gud work nadeem, creative... :D. A long road to "conquer" North Waziristan. Malala is a wonderful hero for young people and in fact, for anyone who believes in human freedom. I read your article: Malala: The True Story. I think the following would not be overstatement: well those fossils are more of human like dinosours Spider man? This is the joke of the century.... I suggest you to start some detective series, you will be a billionaire soon. Brilliant..................hahahahahahaha " girl in the hospital was not a girl at all. Q12 Was the doctor such a dummy that he could not tell a dummy from a human being? What a fool you are,you thing its real story?I assume you are not illiterate because you wrote few lines in English,you are just an idiot,aren't you? this is the most fun I've had reading an article. Too Good man....I just cant stop laughing! Rashed twitted the story LOL..LOL, Oh my goodness--what a Story--sounds like "Bourne Legacy"....loll, Malala may be planted but investigation report is full of sketchy evidences and plot. She is famous because she survived the heinous shooting while working for a noble cause. The ear wax Dr. in SWAT is quite the accomplished scientist. THIS IS MEANT TO BE FUNNY, People!! Had Moin Akhter been alive, he would have made a beautiful skit out of this story. Not only is the CIA & ISI now going to hunt you down for blowing their cover but you also have batman, robin and the avengers all pissed off for not letting them be a part of this history......& yes i forgot the Green Lantern too!!! You talkin' to me? Malala was reported to have barely survived after doctors in Pakistan and then England performed multiple surgeries on her face and head. If CIA and ISI has to plan this they could have done it quite well not like this, its just Media that has played its part, while drama is poorly staged according to you. Polish are certainly not Caucasians....Couldnt get more sarcastic. :D. @James bond . Are you for real? I demand our army to launch operation to round them up. And that, everyone, is a how a bollywood movie is written. its all taliban"s foolish propaganda some fools will believe this, Excellent read, couldnt stop laughing!! Most of the fools will consider this story as a real one... Great Job. In the testimony of one of Malala's friend's in the van, it says that Malala spoke in Italian. The intelligence agencies have ordered me to collect people waste for DNA sampling. Nice piece, after reading the comments below, i can safely say that this nation is ready to disown the soon to be InshaAllah noble prize winne of Pakistan, like they did with Dr. Abdus Salam, because to become a hero in this country, you either have to be a mumtaz qadri or a napoloen gul. I have 3 observations: It will be more effective than bombs? Off course, some of you will not even know the meaning of satire, to which I say Godspeed. Ear wax contains very few cells. Initially I was about to say WTF , ear wax and DNA but later realized that it was another hilarious article by Mr N. F. Paracha. this story is not less hilarious, I can tell you that Malal is not polish, because Polish people are very white and Malan do not appear to be a white girl. looking forward to more stuff from u. Humor apart..I saw Malala's interview with Jon Stewart. :). October 1, 2012: CIA recruits a Pashtu speaking Italian-American loner (Robert) living in New York and gives him a crash course in gun-slinging and acting. Hahahah! Malala and her family live in a house in Birmingham, England. A female journalist has been shot dead in eastern Afghanistan, the latest victim of a spate of assassinations across the country. Malala’s father told the doctor that Malala’s real name was Jane and she was born in Hungary in 1997. @sophie: She has long campaigned for girls to be allowed an education, stepping up her efforts after the Taliban were driven out of the region in 2012. There is now greater urgency on Washington’s part to chart a clear exit from Afghanistan. I'm ROFLING ....... being an MD and knowing the culture .. Loved the piece. Sir, Can you please tell us, What our politicians have done after getting the government by our votes; Nothing !! good to know. Who knew ear wax could be so useful. that's why they are serious. Furthermore, all of this to discredit a young girl who is trying to bring Pakistan out of the dark ages. weaving an end less story ,meaning less as it is, goes on and on,start getting headache. He was in Saudi Arabia at the time collecting earwax samples of some members of the Saudi royal family. Awesome read, Hahaha.. it was just too good..correctly depicts the absurdity of the pakistani mindset. I love him, Ear wax collector hobby... And after reading the comments I am sorry to say they are in an abundance :/ Keep up the great work NFP...your articles always tickle our funny bone :), Not true, than why the Malal,s face left side is oblique after the Incident?what is the cause please describe. 3, including Malala Yousafzai Ziauddin Yousafzai (born 20 April 1969 Shangla , Pakistan) [1] is a Pakistani education activist best known as the father of Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai , who protested against the Taliban's opposition to the education rights of girls, especially for Pakistani girls. The book’s title will be ‘A Fake Shooting of a Fake Liberal by a Fake Liberal, You Bastaaas.’. please mention SATIRE on the top of the page! Perhaps after 2 or 3 decades when Taliban have dragged Pakistan back to Stone Age and finished off English-speaking Taliban sympathisers like yourself then you can reflect on why on earth an educated person like yourself ever supported uncivilized Neanderthals. ?? This is satire. Jeonda Raho Parachiaa.***. Copy link. By knowing these facts, still no action ? If you read the disclaimer at the top and bottom of this article you would see it is nothing more than satire which means in easy terms....fake or joke. They say she was a terrorist who tried to kill the defenders of the earth, the saviours of the universe, the great Americans of course. We are publishing the Twitter exchange between Lib Fish and Oil Gul that was provided to us by the officer: @LibFish @OilGul Any chance of visiting Qatar soon? (the idea of Iron Man actually came after the invention of Afia siddiqui). Malala is praised as a symbol of desire of the girls to be educated, that has attracted attention of world towards the issue, the best part @Khalid: Hahahaha what a piece of writing!!! I told him I wouldn’t but only if he told me the whole truth.”. DNA extraction Kit, Spiderman and Dinosaur bones .... where do you get these pics from .... Mr. Nadeem @Adnan Mohmand: Amen. May be she is an agent but your story is hilarious..! Q11 Did the assassin know Spanish? Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head after standing up to the Taliban as a schoolgirl in Pakistan. HOW HER FACE IS FRACTURED? SERIOUSLY funny. Oh my God, some people really think that it is all evidence! —DISCLAIMER: The above article is a work of satire and fiction and in no way attempts to depict events in real life. Have you found anything wrong with her motives; apparently nothing so why you think so negative. Was Malala learning Spanish also? But, I did. This is sheer joy from Nadeem F. Paracha....LOL...cant help my laugh....God....he made my day. It is not true that Jane's parents were Christian missionaries. Tough Malala is one of the huge conspiracy, many of us don. NFP deserves the Nobel for literary satire !! @Ahmed: Also, when I get time, then I do campaigning. so DNA does actually work. @Jasim: May be you are right. Seriously!! It was a pillow." Has to be a record of some sort. October 4, 2002: The parents are recruited by the CIA and given a crash course in evangelical Christianity, hypnosis and karate. this is impotent for this Article . It is a serious fact. October 7, 2003: They land in Pakistan and head for Swat posing as NGO workers. And that was DJ Fazalullah of Mullah Radio signing off for the last time with the track..'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen. and how come the doctor has taken that shooters ear wax samples?? People against Malala are taking NFP brilliant sarcasm literally and are ACTUALLY using it as evidence on Twitter. Great article. And we hold leaders accountable for their promises to girls. Wow! Uno momento.. Then when you mentioned Spiderman Mask, I realized it was a satirical piece!! After a few days his clinic was raided by the police. However, you can't be forgiven for ignoring the disclaimer right at the top: Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular have always been looking for Angels to solve their problems of their own making and always have happily fallen prey to some Iblees. Most of his articles are sarcastic (such as this one) and I am shocked to see your responses. @Zia : It is never us, period. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. She makes a shiver run through the spineless cowards. Afghanistan. Malala Yousafzai Death Hoax Dismissed Since Activist Is ‘Alive And Well’ On Sunday (March 07) the activist's reps officially confirmed that Malala Yousafzai is not dead. Yea, they do, don’t they? This will be a good add up to the Alf Layla commonly known as Arabian Nights (1001 Nights) in the west. He first showed us a video (on his iPhone) that he shot hours after the shooting. Can't stop smiling.... this author should be working for The Daily Show of Jon Stewart. Come on people wake up! Which DNA gene is the Pushtun gene? October 21, 2011: The militants request her to stop writing her evangelical blogs and finish her homework instead. A good reply to conspiracy theories... Nice drafting the whole story. Thanks. Thank You Piracha ! U dint understand the article idiot ! The link about press tv is fake as well. i agree with you Sir, Dear. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. well, the things are explained at last.. under the banner of a Big Group of media.. The Story is Fake. i bow to ur comedy chemistry, great job. P.s Quantum physics division of Taliban? Today, Malala turns 21. ha ha keep it up. In September 2012, a 15-year-old school girl from Pakistan’s Swat valley was reported to have been shot in the face and head by a Taliban activist. people are trying to PROVE that the evidences are insufficient and vague. Go cry a river. Q1. Come the Pizza part, I was like, "WHAT?!" Look at the following paragraph taken from above. @Gulsher: After extracting the DNA of the shooter, @David Warner: You may be one of the staunch apologists who these days have nothing to do except maligning the little innocent girl. IF HIS FATHER WAS CHRISTIAN CONVERTED WHY NOT REPORTED BY THE SWAT SMALL TOWN PEOPLE TO MEDIA????????????. http://ibnlive.in.com/blogs/dpsatish/237/64903/malala-not-a-nobel--wisdom-wins-over-populism.html “That was the highlight of 2018. Ironically just not for the inmates in jails especially in US who are wrongfully accused!!!! @OilGul Dude, who are you? And a blond girl, bunjee jumping, Swat? Nadeem, You would not believe me if I I tell you I received a phone call from a friend of mine from Long island, New York who informed me about the news in Dawn about Malala and conspiracy done to Pakistanis. While Your Lips Are Still Red Piano Sheet, French Part Of Canada, The Other Wes Moore Review, Google Preview Apps Testflight, Survive Style 5+, Scientific Officer Jobs In Biology, آخرین اخبار بی بی سی فارسی زنده, " /> DISCLAIMER: The following article is a work of satire and fiction and OMG where do i hit my head. Another MOROON who took it serious...hahahahaha, Awesomely awesome NFP ............ i am fed up of all sort of conspiracy theories in our beloved country.......Don't know when we will learn to give credit where it is deserved # Malala rocks # Robert De Niro rocks # NFP rocks, just read the story..... and the final lines are:-. A fake ambulance suddenly arrives on the scene and takes away Malala. She was never shot at, never suffered any injuries and is playing fool with Pakistan and our fame-hungry media. Forth picture ? @James bond:so dont knw that it was a satire. amazing piece of writing it really made me feel as if it was a jolting reality that i got to know but gradually as i continued reading the story turned hilarious.. good work!!! I came very near to forward this script to my Professor for my PhD research. Great and funny article yet again by Nadeem Paracha. Speeding past stereotypes: foodpanda and Women on Wheels partner to empower women in Pakistan, باڈی بلڈنگ کے دوران یہ غلطی کرنا بانجھ پن کا شکار کرسکتی ہے, میگھن مارکل و شہزادہ ہیری کے انٹرویو کا ریکارڈ, سندھ میں موجود وہ مقبرہ جس کا پتھر گجرات سے لایا گیا, Sindh IG forms inquiry committee to investigate killing of varsity student in 'encounter', ECP accepts for hearing PTI petition seeking Gilani's disqualification from Senate, After pigeons, India takes PIA balloon into custody in occupied Kashmir, ECP rejects plea to stop issuance of Faisal Vawda's Senate victory notification, Education institutes in 7 Punjab cities to close for 2 weeks from March 15, In message to China, Biden to meet Australia, India, Japan PMs, India takes PIA balloon into custody and Twitter can't handle it, Riz Ahmed bags BAFTA leading actor nomination for Sound of Metal, Schools are closing in Punjab and half of student Twitter want Shafqat Mahmood as PM, Pakistan Origin Card holders ineligible for Covid vaccine, NCOC to review decision on reopening schools amid rise in Covid-19 cases, Anger over lies which led to killing of French teacher for allegedly showing pictures of Prophet, Indian Prime Minister Modi inaugurates bridge to connect India, Bangladesh, Govt senators being approached to change loyalties: PM, JUI-F's Maulana Ghafoor Haideri rejects govt offer of Senate deputy chairmanship, How the Modi administration has transformed India into an illiberal democracy, Editorial: No foreign-dictated peace can succeed in pacifying Afghanistan, The British royal family’s racism isn’t its biggest problem. The Pashtun earwax DNA had Niswaar. Now we are waiting to read a similar 007 kind of story about Afia Siddiqui. @JS: His skills of story writting reminded me old days of ISSB test. I've seen comments on fb and elsewhere. > in no way attempts to depict events in real life. :D "Malala went for bungee jumping after being shot. Very funny NFP. True story through and through. A respected medical doctor in Swat, Imtiaz Ali Khanzai, who runs a private hospital and clinic in Swat told our reporters that he has a DNA report that proves that Malala is not Pushtun. So funny Mr. Paracha...... pizza in ear wax!! THE race for the Senate chairman and deputy chairman has reached an interesting stage. But the growing prominence of her activism led Taliban gunmen to target Yousafzai, who had begun blogging anonymously for BBC Urdu when she was just 11. What stops you from celebrating a Pakistani that is showing the entire world that we want peace, education and equality and that the image the world has of Pakistan is distorted. I WAS GOING AROUND CURSING UNTIL I REACHED THE MITCHELLS TOMATO KETCHEP AND DISCLAIMER. All this shady reporting based solely on what sounds like a made up doctor. A lovely way to ride the Malala wagon Mr Paracha. @Shaukat Basit:may be i was. Following her miraculous recovery, Malala turned into a global icon. Neither did she need a former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown out to sell his "for profit" schools who doesn't give a fig for gender justice in the UK.. She is being exploited now as a commodity of the west... What an amazing piece of satire! The attack caused outrage around the world and the news was given widespread coverage in the local and international media. Earwax...totally priceless! I would like to learn the method of intercepting twitters messages! By the way my friend had been a senior executive for Citibanks and likes. Is there also a Karachi gene and a Lahore gene? Bits of Pizza in the ear wax was the best! Q4 Did her father not know that a blank can kill someone from point blank range? And noble prize goes to.............mr paracha..hahahahaha, This is our social dilemma to believe on all types of conspiracies. Just what us Pakistanis want to hear about Malala..... brilliantly put together....couldn't control my laughter while reading it. @Mustafa: They fear some aliens might land on earth in the 22nd century. But their enemies always get doses of happiness when these Angel-lookers are out again to search for new angels to solve their new set-backs. You had me for a minute. he he ... ha ha... ho ho... NFP you made my day... hahahha..... Noble Prize ather should be give to that doctor.......era wax collector........... LOLX ... Malala was Bungee jumpingg ... celebrating her victory :P. Well Nadeem you must now write an article on those stupid morons who are either deliberately or due to their characterisic stupidity, projecting this article on social media as a real research piece against Malala. I am now convinced that after Malala Yousufzai, Nadeem F. Paracha is one of the only saving graces of Pakistan. Malala Yousafzai has become one of the world’s most powerful voices on female education - and now she is trying to use her influence to help refugees. Jiyo aur aisey hee likhtey raho.wallahi. hope don't have to go to the doctor in Swat to get my DNA extracted. All you need to know about everything that matters. Amazing, how NFP kept giving clear signs of this being a satire, and yet, there were those who took it seriously? Nadeem paracha proved his eligibility for the head of Intelligence services. She gained global attention when she survived an assassination attempt at age 15. He added: “These were excavated in North Waziristan by the archaeology division of the Taliban. To me that bungee jumping looks like a young blond woman. According to the testimony, a man stopped the van and shouted (in Pashtu), ‘who is Jane … I mean, Jeanette … no, Alberta Joan Lucas?’, The girls looked at each other in confusion and the driver was about to drive away when the gunman pulled out a gun and started to shout: ‘Uno momento, un momento …’, Then looking at a girl he asked: ‘You lookin’ at me?’ At which Malala threw down her school bag and shouted (in Italian): ‘No you idiot, I AM lookin’ at you. i have dozens of sharing on facebook and twitter. I didn't need to see De Niro's pic to find it was satire ! I couldn't believe someone had written such imaginative evidence. ??? Instead of thanking her, let's put all of the effort possible into making her a white polish christian, because that will discredit her whole story. May Allah truly bless you. His father a Christian or Muslim was there. great NFP loved it. You are extremely talented, you achieved what you aimed for, I don't know how many people misunderstood your humour for real. Please. looking at the picture, I see all human skulls. Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? A comedy drama could be made using it but then all the crew and cast will have to seek asylum in elsewhere. hahahaha, Moral of the story ...... Clean your ears yourself and never let the wax accumulated in your ears. Its getting a lot of play. Q10 Was Malala fluent in Italian when she came fron Poland, the assassin from Italy? ekdam Hilarious ... sir, your writings are just too good !! There are 3.7 million out-of-school children in Afghanistan — 60% are girls. For those with tedious brain cells - please Google the word 'satire'. !! thoroughly enjoyed reading it.. Every body finding this real story........... How you write this type of stories is really amazing...........Hats off to you for Bin laden story too, I was confused when doctor proved her to be a Polish and Caucasian. He intercepts Malala’s school van and fires blanks at her. Everyone was happy. I went home and saw my friends, my school teachers, my neighbours, my family members, everyone. Please reveal the True story of Laal Masjid too but don't use the character of any Burqa Avenger else I am sure You will get bombardment of awesomely dubious responses for that too. LOL. looks like paracha's brain was seriously trolled by tsunami_mommy. and than she looks at my computer screen and like whats there....hahaha. loling. People still believe that it is real story . Master X met one of our reporters at an abandoned girls’ school in lower Swat. • The girl that the media was shown in the hospital was not Malala. We should drop 5,000 smart women into SWAT... seriously! :). His revelations led us to our next shocking discovery (with evidence): • Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. What I wanted to say is already be said by you ;-) @Ahmed: looks like a bollywood Masala movie! I mean what do CIA and ISI got after this fake operation? how calmly wrote a fiction which actually have hidden logics..well wrote Sir. @Khalid: See the following links that may wake you up: October 11, 2012: The Italian-America arrives in Swat posing as an Uzbek homeopath. @Mohammad Afzal: Nice Piece Of Writing. After extracting the DNA of the shooter’s earwax, the doctor discovered that he was probably from Italy. And she continues to support her fund. and we are expecting a young girl to influence specially world leadership for doing something for us. I didn't find it that funny , was wayward and far fetched from the actual happenings :), @Masood Hussain: @Devil: I think he gets his ideas from Daily Ummat. Funny but far too long. SHOWS ALL OF YOU WERE BAD STUDENTS IN SCHOOL COMMENTING HERE: Gud work nadeem, creative... :D. A long road to "conquer" North Waziristan. Malala is a wonderful hero for young people and in fact, for anyone who believes in human freedom. I read your article: Malala: The True Story. I think the following would not be overstatement: well those fossils are more of human like dinosours Spider man? This is the joke of the century.... I suggest you to start some detective series, you will be a billionaire soon. Brilliant..................hahahahahahaha " girl in the hospital was not a girl at all. Q12 Was the doctor such a dummy that he could not tell a dummy from a human being? What a fool you are,you thing its real story?I assume you are not illiterate because you wrote few lines in English,you are just an idiot,aren't you? this is the most fun I've had reading an article. Too Good man....I just cant stop laughing! Rashed twitted the story LOL..LOL, Oh my goodness--what a Story--sounds like "Bourne Legacy"....loll, Malala may be planted but investigation report is full of sketchy evidences and plot. She is famous because she survived the heinous shooting while working for a noble cause. The ear wax Dr. in SWAT is quite the accomplished scientist. THIS IS MEANT TO BE FUNNY, People!! Had Moin Akhter been alive, he would have made a beautiful skit out of this story. Not only is the CIA & ISI now going to hunt you down for blowing their cover but you also have batman, robin and the avengers all pissed off for not letting them be a part of this history......& yes i forgot the Green Lantern too!!! You talkin' to me? Malala was reported to have barely survived after doctors in Pakistan and then England performed multiple surgeries on her face and head. If CIA and ISI has to plan this they could have done it quite well not like this, its just Media that has played its part, while drama is poorly staged according to you. Polish are certainly not Caucasians....Couldnt get more sarcastic. :D. @James bond . Are you for real? I demand our army to launch operation to round them up. And that, everyone, is a how a bollywood movie is written. its all taliban"s foolish propaganda some fools will believe this, Excellent read, couldnt stop laughing!! Most of the fools will consider this story as a real one... Great Job. In the testimony of one of Malala's friend's in the van, it says that Malala spoke in Italian. The intelligence agencies have ordered me to collect people waste for DNA sampling. Nice piece, after reading the comments below, i can safely say that this nation is ready to disown the soon to be InshaAllah noble prize winne of Pakistan, like they did with Dr. Abdus Salam, because to become a hero in this country, you either have to be a mumtaz qadri or a napoloen gul. I have 3 observations: It will be more effective than bombs? Off course, some of you will not even know the meaning of satire, to which I say Godspeed. Ear wax contains very few cells. Initially I was about to say WTF , ear wax and DNA but later realized that it was another hilarious article by Mr N. F. Paracha. this story is not less hilarious, I can tell you that Malal is not polish, because Polish people are very white and Malan do not appear to be a white girl. looking forward to more stuff from u. Humor apart..I saw Malala's interview with Jon Stewart. :). October 1, 2012: CIA recruits a Pashtu speaking Italian-American loner (Robert) living in New York and gives him a crash course in gun-slinging and acting. Hahahah! Malala and her family live in a house in Birmingham, England. A female journalist has been shot dead in eastern Afghanistan, the latest victim of a spate of assassinations across the country. Malala’s father told the doctor that Malala’s real name was Jane and she was born in Hungary in 1997. @sophie: She has long campaigned for girls to be allowed an education, stepping up her efforts after the Taliban were driven out of the region in 2012. There is now greater urgency on Washington’s part to chart a clear exit from Afghanistan. I'm ROFLING ....... being an MD and knowing the culture .. Loved the piece. Sir, Can you please tell us, What our politicians have done after getting the government by our votes; Nothing !! good to know. Who knew ear wax could be so useful. that's why they are serious. Furthermore, all of this to discredit a young girl who is trying to bring Pakistan out of the dark ages. weaving an end less story ,meaning less as it is, goes on and on,start getting headache. He was in Saudi Arabia at the time collecting earwax samples of some members of the Saudi royal family. Awesome read, Hahaha.. it was just too good..correctly depicts the absurdity of the pakistani mindset. I love him, Ear wax collector hobby... And after reading the comments I am sorry to say they are in an abundance :/ Keep up the great work NFP...your articles always tickle our funny bone :), Not true, than why the Malal,s face left side is oblique after the Incident?what is the cause please describe. 3, including Malala Yousafzai Ziauddin Yousafzai (born 20 April 1969 Shangla , Pakistan) [1] is a Pakistani education activist best known as the father of Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai , who protested against the Taliban's opposition to the education rights of girls, especially for Pakistani girls. The book’s title will be ‘A Fake Shooting of a Fake Liberal by a Fake Liberal, You Bastaaas.’. please mention SATIRE on the top of the page! Perhaps after 2 or 3 decades when Taliban have dragged Pakistan back to Stone Age and finished off English-speaking Taliban sympathisers like yourself then you can reflect on why on earth an educated person like yourself ever supported uncivilized Neanderthals. ?? This is satire. Jeonda Raho Parachiaa.***. Copy link. By knowing these facts, still no action ? If you read the disclaimer at the top and bottom of this article you would see it is nothing more than satire which means in easy terms....fake or joke. They say she was a terrorist who tried to kill the defenders of the earth, the saviours of the universe, the great Americans of course. We are publishing the Twitter exchange between Lib Fish and Oil Gul that was provided to us by the officer: @LibFish @OilGul Any chance of visiting Qatar soon? (the idea of Iron Man actually came after the invention of Afia siddiqui). Malala is praised as a symbol of desire of the girls to be educated, that has attracted attention of world towards the issue, the best part @Khalid: Hahahaha what a piece of writing!!! I told him I wouldn’t but only if he told me the whole truth.”. DNA extraction Kit, Spiderman and Dinosaur bones .... where do you get these pics from .... Mr. Nadeem @Adnan Mohmand: Amen. May be she is an agent but your story is hilarious..! Q11 Did the assassin know Spanish? Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head after standing up to the Taliban as a schoolgirl in Pakistan. HOW HER FACE IS FRACTURED? SERIOUSLY funny. Oh my God, some people really think that it is all evidence! —DISCLAIMER: The above article is a work of satire and fiction and in no way attempts to depict events in real life. Have you found anything wrong with her motives; apparently nothing so why you think so negative. Was Malala learning Spanish also? But, I did. This is sheer joy from Nadeem F. Paracha....LOL...cant help my laugh....God....he made my day. It is not true that Jane's parents were Christian missionaries. Tough Malala is one of the huge conspiracy, many of us don. NFP deserves the Nobel for literary satire !! @Ahmed: Also, when I get time, then I do campaigning. so DNA does actually work. @Jasim: May be you are right. Seriously!! It was a pillow." Has to be a record of some sort. October 4, 2002: The parents are recruited by the CIA and given a crash course in evangelical Christianity, hypnosis and karate. this is impotent for this Article . It is a serious fact. October 7, 2003: They land in Pakistan and head for Swat posing as NGO workers. And that was DJ Fazalullah of Mullah Radio signing off for the last time with the track..'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen. and how come the doctor has taken that shooters ear wax samples?? People against Malala are taking NFP brilliant sarcasm literally and are ACTUALLY using it as evidence on Twitter. Great article. And we hold leaders accountable for their promises to girls. Wow! Uno momento.. Then when you mentioned Spiderman Mask, I realized it was a satirical piece!! After a few days his clinic was raided by the police. However, you can't be forgiven for ignoring the disclaimer right at the top: Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular have always been looking for Angels to solve their problems of their own making and always have happily fallen prey to some Iblees. Most of his articles are sarcastic (such as this one) and I am shocked to see your responses. @Zia : It is never us, period. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. She makes a shiver run through the spineless cowards. Afghanistan. Malala Yousafzai Death Hoax Dismissed Since Activist Is ‘Alive And Well’ On Sunday (March 07) the activist's reps officially confirmed that Malala Yousafzai is not dead. Yea, they do, don’t they? This will be a good add up to the Alf Layla commonly known as Arabian Nights (1001 Nights) in the west. He first showed us a video (on his iPhone) that he shot hours after the shooting. Can't stop smiling.... this author should be working for The Daily Show of Jon Stewart. Come on people wake up! Which DNA gene is the Pushtun gene? October 21, 2011: The militants request her to stop writing her evangelical blogs and finish her homework instead. A good reply to conspiracy theories... Nice drafting the whole story. Thanks. Thank You Piracha ! U dint understand the article idiot ! The link about press tv is fake as well. i agree with you Sir, Dear. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. well, the things are explained at last.. under the banner of a Big Group of media.. The Story is Fake. i bow to ur comedy chemistry, great job. P.s Quantum physics division of Taliban? Today, Malala turns 21. ha ha keep it up. In September 2012, a 15-year-old school girl from Pakistan’s Swat valley was reported to have been shot in the face and head by a Taliban activist. people are trying to PROVE that the evidences are insufficient and vague. Go cry a river. Q1. Come the Pizza part, I was like, "WHAT?!" Look at the following paragraph taken from above. @Gulsher: After extracting the DNA of the shooter, @David Warner: You may be one of the staunch apologists who these days have nothing to do except maligning the little innocent girl. IF HIS FATHER WAS CHRISTIAN CONVERTED WHY NOT REPORTED BY THE SWAT SMALL TOWN PEOPLE TO MEDIA????????????. http://ibnlive.in.com/blogs/dpsatish/237/64903/malala-not-a-nobel--wisdom-wins-over-populism.html “That was the highlight of 2018. Ironically just not for the inmates in jails especially in US who are wrongfully accused!!!! @OilGul Dude, who are you? And a blond girl, bunjee jumping, Swat? Nadeem, You would not believe me if I I tell you I received a phone call from a friend of mine from Long island, New York who informed me about the news in Dawn about Malala and conspiracy done to Pakistanis. While Your Lips Are Still Red Piano Sheet, French Part Of Canada, The Other Wes Moore Review, Google Preview Apps Testflight, Survive Style 5+, Scientific Officer Jobs In Biology, آخرین اخبار بی بی سی فارسی زنده, " />

is malala alive

This story which you are telling makes no sence. BREAKING NEWS....is that it has been found that the people conspiring to give Malala the Nobel Prize actually has Pushtun DNA. @haroon javed: Don't you guys, read disclaimer. Malala Fund is working so that their stories, like mine, can be heard around the world. " ye dekh, chup kar k parh aur ab Malala Malala na Kari. Great going. Its sadly a true reflection of our wider society today. World wide belief is that she was shot in the head by Talibans for championing education rights for girls, after the incident Malala becomes a universal celebrity, her whole family moves to UK her father over night becomes the employee to the Pakistan High Commission in UK, her friends are taken to UK for better education and luxurious life which they would not have had in Swat, Now the point to be made is the girls of swat and other rural areas of Pakistan are still at the same point where they were, no improvement is in existence for the fundamental right to education or freedom, nothing practical has been done for them but Malala Yousafzai and her family have certainly benefited from all this drama! And I just couldn’t let myself continue to keep such a dangerous secret hidden. READ THE' '**'DISCLAIMER**'' at the beginning and end. @Tsunami_Mommy Shup ut fake liberalz fascist agents IK is best you bastaaas NA250 rigging 1 billion fake liberalz votes anti-Pakistan anti-Islam inshallah Nya Bakistan tabdeeli. I am not even laughing .. hahaha So Robert De NirO was the one who shot Malala On Head :). The best way to show truth to those who read codes .. Good job bro .. An effort to refute any anti malala article. Thank you for that sir, Respect! The exchange was intercepted and decoded by one ‘Tsunami Mommy’ who is based in Swabi in the Khyber Pakhtunkwa province in Pakistan and is an engineer by profession. I think these doubters would doudbt even of their existence and them being human beings.. it seems like a brand campaign for mitchels, nokia and apple rather than a true story. It is a Satire! There r two categories of people against Malala. The following are the major findings of the investigation: • Malala was not born in Swat and neither is she a Pushtun. People are looking towards Malala who now has become an icon of peace, courage and child education. Three years later, she won a place at Oxford University’s Lady Margaret Hall to read philosophy, politics and economics. I used to ask myself as what I would do if I were to confront the Taliban-Well,I would throw a throw a shoe if the Talib were to come for me-If I hit the Talib with a shoe,I would not be different from him-so,I would point out the importance of education,and I would wish it for your children too! Shopping. Another good one. http://www.ae911truth.org/news/41-articles/344-building-7-implosion-the-smoking-gun-of-911.html Name a single girl who is more brave than malala.Jealousy speaks behind you. Malala Yousafzai has become one of the world’s most powerful voices on female education - and now she is trying to use her influence to help refugees. breaking! Wow... Popularity of this blog shows How desperate we are to declair this as "Fake" event. Unfortunately it is not that Abdul can not think unfortunately he does not what thinking is! Why would anyone read past bits of pizza in ear wax? One of the photographs showing dinosaur bones excavated from the grounds of North Waziristan. Very witty and well written . No one parodies conspiracy theorists as hilariously and sharply as NFP. This is without a doubt the funniest fiction in a major news outlet I have read in a long time. I will settle issues without violence and dialogue! Great read. October 30, 2007: Malala starts to write a blog that asks the militants of Swat to put down their weapons, pick up a Bible and boogie. Million of innocent girls and kids are killed daily all of them die with equal hopes and dreams but sadly here media, international organizations, government officials or celebrities become blind and deaf ! Yes I know Pakistanis love conspiracy theories. ", Read this for more fun. Actually they were Zionists disguised as Christian missionaries. @m5: It has been like that for centuries. A truly hilarious peice in a while... who is malala???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Even MJ can't believe how good LaMelo Ball is. I know what you two do. Malala, Malala, remember? You are very talented and I hope you will soon write a book and I will male sure that I read it. The writer is just trying to test our attitude of accepting information without using our minds. @asim: Maza a gya. The Italian Earwax DNA had Pizza. Great work Nadeem Paracha, I think lots of people who are commenting here have no idea what's a DISCLAIMER :). @Tsunami_Mommy Shup ut fake liberalz fascist agents IK is best you bastaaas NA250 rigging 1 billion fake liberalz votes anti-Pakistan anti-Islam inshallah Nya Bakistan tabdeeli …. excellent work!!! Haha hilarious. I agree with some comments, that the disclaimer should have been at the beginning. “He pleaded that I did not make my findings public. Body double...? HA HA HA ..funniest story i have ever read.I would like to add that Malala is actually an alien who was introduced to earth by the VORG collective...come on people i can write a better story than this. It is mainly complex carbohydrates and other waste materials. Police officer showed pictures of dinosaurs(looks like human skeleton to me. @Umer Sohail: I am a poor christchen working in public toilets in Peshawar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Truth_movement Malala's name resonated around the globe after a Taliban assassin failed to kill her in October 2012. It's True, Thank you author to publish this. ??? "DISCLAIMER: The following article is a work of satire and fiction and in no way attempts to depict events in real life.". She was planning to attack the Pantagon with that technology and deadly weapon of hers, alongwith her kids and an infant. She underwent a long operation and the bullet removed was shown to the father and other present there also saw it. I wonder if they are an equal opportunity employer. I am a true patriot.”, He then added: ‘My father once told me, ‘Peter, with great power comes great responsibility’.’. She is a credit to her parents and I'd be proud if my daughter can speak as she does when she gets to 16. infact i took it seriously but when i saw a Pathan wearing spider man then i realized it was funny. Also its funny when I imagine what those readers would be telling around about Malala story who believed in the evidence presented here. loved it !!!! > DISCLAIMER: The following article is a work of satire and fiction and OMG where do i hit my head. Another MOROON who took it serious...hahahahaha, Awesomely awesome NFP ............ i am fed up of all sort of conspiracy theories in our beloved country.......Don't know when we will learn to give credit where it is deserved # Malala rocks # Robert De Niro rocks # NFP rocks, just read the story..... and the final lines are:-. A fake ambulance suddenly arrives on the scene and takes away Malala. She was never shot at, never suffered any injuries and is playing fool with Pakistan and our fame-hungry media. Forth picture ? @James bond:so dont knw that it was a satire. amazing piece of writing it really made me feel as if it was a jolting reality that i got to know but gradually as i continued reading the story turned hilarious.. good work!!! I came very near to forward this script to my Professor for my PhD research. Great and funny article yet again by Nadeem Paracha. Speeding past stereotypes: foodpanda and Women on Wheels partner to empower women in Pakistan, باڈی بلڈنگ کے دوران یہ غلطی کرنا بانجھ پن کا شکار کرسکتی ہے, میگھن مارکل و شہزادہ ہیری کے انٹرویو کا ریکارڈ, سندھ میں موجود وہ مقبرہ جس کا پتھر گجرات سے لایا گیا, Sindh IG forms inquiry committee to investigate killing of varsity student in 'encounter', ECP accepts for hearing PTI petition seeking Gilani's disqualification from Senate, After pigeons, India takes PIA balloon into custody in occupied Kashmir, ECP rejects plea to stop issuance of Faisal Vawda's Senate victory notification, Education institutes in 7 Punjab cities to close for 2 weeks from March 15, In message to China, Biden to meet Australia, India, Japan PMs, India takes PIA balloon into custody and Twitter can't handle it, Riz Ahmed bags BAFTA leading actor nomination for Sound of Metal, Schools are closing in Punjab and half of student Twitter want Shafqat Mahmood as PM, Pakistan Origin Card holders ineligible for Covid vaccine, NCOC to review decision on reopening schools amid rise in Covid-19 cases, Anger over lies which led to killing of French teacher for allegedly showing pictures of Prophet, Indian Prime Minister Modi inaugurates bridge to connect India, Bangladesh, Govt senators being approached to change loyalties: PM, JUI-F's Maulana Ghafoor Haideri rejects govt offer of Senate deputy chairmanship, How the Modi administration has transformed India into an illiberal democracy, Editorial: No foreign-dictated peace can succeed in pacifying Afghanistan, The British royal family’s racism isn’t its biggest problem. The Pashtun earwax DNA had Niswaar. Now we are waiting to read a similar 007 kind of story about Afia Siddiqui. @JS: His skills of story writting reminded me old days of ISSB test. I've seen comments on fb and elsewhere. > in no way attempts to depict events in real life. :D "Malala went for bungee jumping after being shot. Very funny NFP. True story through and through. A respected medical doctor in Swat, Imtiaz Ali Khanzai, who runs a private hospital and clinic in Swat told our reporters that he has a DNA report that proves that Malala is not Pushtun. So funny Mr. Paracha...... pizza in ear wax!! THE race for the Senate chairman and deputy chairman has reached an interesting stage. But the growing prominence of her activism led Taliban gunmen to target Yousafzai, who had begun blogging anonymously for BBC Urdu when she was just 11. What stops you from celebrating a Pakistani that is showing the entire world that we want peace, education and equality and that the image the world has of Pakistan is distorted. I WAS GOING AROUND CURSING UNTIL I REACHED THE MITCHELLS TOMATO KETCHEP AND DISCLAIMER. All this shady reporting based solely on what sounds like a made up doctor. A lovely way to ride the Malala wagon Mr Paracha. @Shaukat Basit:may be i was. Following her miraculous recovery, Malala turned into a global icon. Neither did she need a former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown out to sell his "for profit" schools who doesn't give a fig for gender justice in the UK.. She is being exploited now as a commodity of the west... What an amazing piece of satire! The attack caused outrage around the world and the news was given widespread coverage in the local and international media. Earwax...totally priceless! I would like to learn the method of intercepting twitters messages! By the way my friend had been a senior executive for Citibanks and likes. Is there also a Karachi gene and a Lahore gene? Bits of Pizza in the ear wax was the best! Q4 Did her father not know that a blank can kill someone from point blank range? And noble prize goes to.............mr paracha..hahahahaha, This is our social dilemma to believe on all types of conspiracies. Just what us Pakistanis want to hear about Malala..... brilliantly put together....couldn't control my laughter while reading it. @Mustafa: They fear some aliens might land on earth in the 22nd century. But their enemies always get doses of happiness when these Angel-lookers are out again to search for new angels to solve their new set-backs. You had me for a minute. he he ... ha ha... ho ho... NFP you made my day... hahahha..... Noble Prize ather should be give to that doctor.......era wax collector........... LOLX ... Malala was Bungee jumpingg ... celebrating her victory :P. Well Nadeem you must now write an article on those stupid morons who are either deliberately or due to their characterisic stupidity, projecting this article on social media as a real research piece against Malala. I am now convinced that after Malala Yousufzai, Nadeem F. Paracha is one of the only saving graces of Pakistan. Malala Yousafzai has become one of the world’s most powerful voices on female education - and now she is trying to use her influence to help refugees. Jiyo aur aisey hee likhtey raho.wallahi. hope don't have to go to the doctor in Swat to get my DNA extracted. All you need to know about everything that matters. Amazing, how NFP kept giving clear signs of this being a satire, and yet, there were those who took it seriously? Nadeem paracha proved his eligibility for the head of Intelligence services. She gained global attention when she survived an assassination attempt at age 15. He added: “These were excavated in North Waziristan by the archaeology division of the Taliban. To me that bungee jumping looks like a young blond woman. According to the testimony, a man stopped the van and shouted (in Pashtu), ‘who is Jane … I mean, Jeanette … no, Alberta Joan Lucas?’, The girls looked at each other in confusion and the driver was about to drive away when the gunman pulled out a gun and started to shout: ‘Uno momento, un momento …’, Then looking at a girl he asked: ‘You lookin’ at me?’ At which Malala threw down her school bag and shouted (in Italian): ‘No you idiot, I AM lookin’ at you. i have dozens of sharing on facebook and twitter. I didn't need to see De Niro's pic to find it was satire ! I couldn't believe someone had written such imaginative evidence. ??? Instead of thanking her, let's put all of the effort possible into making her a white polish christian, because that will discredit her whole story. May Allah truly bless you. His father a Christian or Muslim was there. great NFP loved it. You are extremely talented, you achieved what you aimed for, I don't know how many people misunderstood your humour for real. Please. looking at the picture, I see all human skulls. Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? A comedy drama could be made using it but then all the crew and cast will have to seek asylum in elsewhere. hahahaha, Moral of the story ...... Clean your ears yourself and never let the wax accumulated in your ears. Its getting a lot of play. Q10 Was Malala fluent in Italian when she came fron Poland, the assassin from Italy? ekdam Hilarious ... sir, your writings are just too good !! There are 3.7 million out-of-school children in Afghanistan — 60% are girls. For those with tedious brain cells - please Google the word 'satire'. !! thoroughly enjoyed reading it.. Every body finding this real story........... How you write this type of stories is really amazing...........Hats off to you for Bin laden story too, I was confused when doctor proved her to be a Polish and Caucasian. He intercepts Malala’s school van and fires blanks at her. Everyone was happy. I went home and saw my friends, my school teachers, my neighbours, my family members, everyone. Please reveal the True story of Laal Masjid too but don't use the character of any Burqa Avenger else I am sure You will get bombardment of awesomely dubious responses for that too. LOL. looks like paracha's brain was seriously trolled by tsunami_mommy. and than she looks at my computer screen and like whats there....hahaha. loling. People still believe that it is real story . Master X met one of our reporters at an abandoned girls’ school in lower Swat. • The girl that the media was shown in the hospital was not Malala. We should drop 5,000 smart women into SWAT... seriously! :). His revelations led us to our next shocking discovery (with evidence): • Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. What I wanted to say is already be said by you ;-) @Ahmed: looks like a bollywood Masala movie! I mean what do CIA and ISI got after this fake operation? how calmly wrote a fiction which actually have hidden logics..well wrote Sir. @Khalid: See the following links that may wake you up: October 11, 2012: The Italian-America arrives in Swat posing as an Uzbek homeopath. @Mohammad Afzal: Nice Piece Of Writing. After extracting the DNA of the shooter’s earwax, the doctor discovered that he was probably from Italy. And she continues to support her fund. and we are expecting a young girl to influence specially world leadership for doing something for us. I didn't find it that funny , was wayward and far fetched from the actual happenings :), @Masood Hussain: @Devil: I think he gets his ideas from Daily Ummat. Funny but far too long. SHOWS ALL OF YOU WERE BAD STUDENTS IN SCHOOL COMMENTING HERE: Gud work nadeem, creative... :D. A long road to "conquer" North Waziristan. Malala is a wonderful hero for young people and in fact, for anyone who believes in human freedom. I read your article: Malala: The True Story. I think the following would not be overstatement: well those fossils are more of human like dinosours Spider man? This is the joke of the century.... I suggest you to start some detective series, you will be a billionaire soon. Brilliant..................hahahahahahaha " girl in the hospital was not a girl at all. Q12 Was the doctor such a dummy that he could not tell a dummy from a human being? What a fool you are,you thing its real story?I assume you are not illiterate because you wrote few lines in English,you are just an idiot,aren't you? this is the most fun I've had reading an article. Too Good man....I just cant stop laughing! Rashed twitted the story LOL..LOL, Oh my goodness--what a Story--sounds like "Bourne Legacy"....loll, Malala may be planted but investigation report is full of sketchy evidences and plot. She is famous because she survived the heinous shooting while working for a noble cause. The ear wax Dr. in SWAT is quite the accomplished scientist. THIS IS MEANT TO BE FUNNY, People!! Had Moin Akhter been alive, he would have made a beautiful skit out of this story. Not only is the CIA & ISI now going to hunt you down for blowing their cover but you also have batman, robin and the avengers all pissed off for not letting them be a part of this history......& yes i forgot the Green Lantern too!!! You talkin' to me? Malala was reported to have barely survived after doctors in Pakistan and then England performed multiple surgeries on her face and head. If CIA and ISI has to plan this they could have done it quite well not like this, its just Media that has played its part, while drama is poorly staged according to you. Polish are certainly not Caucasians....Couldnt get more sarcastic. :D. @James bond . Are you for real? I demand our army to launch operation to round them up. And that, everyone, is a how a bollywood movie is written. its all taliban"s foolish propaganda some fools will believe this, Excellent read, couldnt stop laughing!! Most of the fools will consider this story as a real one... Great Job. In the testimony of one of Malala's friend's in the van, it says that Malala spoke in Italian. The intelligence agencies have ordered me to collect people waste for DNA sampling. Nice piece, after reading the comments below, i can safely say that this nation is ready to disown the soon to be InshaAllah noble prize winne of Pakistan, like they did with Dr. Abdus Salam, because to become a hero in this country, you either have to be a mumtaz qadri or a napoloen gul. I have 3 observations: It will be more effective than bombs? Off course, some of you will not even know the meaning of satire, to which I say Godspeed. Ear wax contains very few cells. Initially I was about to say WTF , ear wax and DNA but later realized that it was another hilarious article by Mr N. F. Paracha. this story is not less hilarious, I can tell you that Malal is not polish, because Polish people are very white and Malan do not appear to be a white girl. looking forward to more stuff from u. Humor apart..I saw Malala's interview with Jon Stewart. :). October 1, 2012: CIA recruits a Pashtu speaking Italian-American loner (Robert) living in New York and gives him a crash course in gun-slinging and acting. Hahahah! Malala and her family live in a house in Birmingham, England. A female journalist has been shot dead in eastern Afghanistan, the latest victim of a spate of assassinations across the country. Malala’s father told the doctor that Malala’s real name was Jane and she was born in Hungary in 1997. @sophie: She has long campaigned for girls to be allowed an education, stepping up her efforts after the Taliban were driven out of the region in 2012. There is now greater urgency on Washington’s part to chart a clear exit from Afghanistan. I'm ROFLING ....... being an MD and knowing the culture .. Loved the piece. Sir, Can you please tell us, What our politicians have done after getting the government by our votes; Nothing !! good to know. Who knew ear wax could be so useful. that's why they are serious. Furthermore, all of this to discredit a young girl who is trying to bring Pakistan out of the dark ages. weaving an end less story ,meaning less as it is, goes on and on,start getting headache. He was in Saudi Arabia at the time collecting earwax samples of some members of the Saudi royal family. Awesome read, Hahaha.. it was just too good..correctly depicts the absurdity of the pakistani mindset. I love him, Ear wax collector hobby... And after reading the comments I am sorry to say they are in an abundance :/ Keep up the great work NFP...your articles always tickle our funny bone :), Not true, than why the Malal,s face left side is oblique after the Incident?what is the cause please describe. 3, including Malala Yousafzai Ziauddin Yousafzai (born 20 April 1969 Shangla , Pakistan) [1] is a Pakistani education activist best known as the father of Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai , who protested against the Taliban's opposition to the education rights of girls, especially for Pakistani girls. The book’s title will be ‘A Fake Shooting of a Fake Liberal by a Fake Liberal, You Bastaaas.’. please mention SATIRE on the top of the page! Perhaps after 2 or 3 decades when Taliban have dragged Pakistan back to Stone Age and finished off English-speaking Taliban sympathisers like yourself then you can reflect on why on earth an educated person like yourself ever supported uncivilized Neanderthals. ?? This is satire. Jeonda Raho Parachiaa.***. Copy link. By knowing these facts, still no action ? If you read the disclaimer at the top and bottom of this article you would see it is nothing more than satire which means in easy terms....fake or joke. They say she was a terrorist who tried to kill the defenders of the earth, the saviours of the universe, the great Americans of course. We are publishing the Twitter exchange between Lib Fish and Oil Gul that was provided to us by the officer: @LibFish @OilGul Any chance of visiting Qatar soon? (the idea of Iron Man actually came after the invention of Afia siddiqui). Malala is praised as a symbol of desire of the girls to be educated, that has attracted attention of world towards the issue, the best part @Khalid: Hahahaha what a piece of writing!!! I told him I wouldn’t but only if he told me the whole truth.”. DNA extraction Kit, Spiderman and Dinosaur bones .... where do you get these pics from .... Mr. Nadeem @Adnan Mohmand: Amen. May be she is an agent but your story is hilarious..! Q11 Did the assassin know Spanish? Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head after standing up to the Taliban as a schoolgirl in Pakistan. HOW HER FACE IS FRACTURED? SERIOUSLY funny. Oh my God, some people really think that it is all evidence! —DISCLAIMER: The above article is a work of satire and fiction and in no way attempts to depict events in real life. Have you found anything wrong with her motives; apparently nothing so why you think so negative. Was Malala learning Spanish also? But, I did. This is sheer joy from Nadeem F. Paracha....LOL...cant help my laugh....God....he made my day. It is not true that Jane's parents were Christian missionaries. Tough Malala is one of the huge conspiracy, many of us don. NFP deserves the Nobel for literary satire !! @Ahmed: Also, when I get time, then I do campaigning. so DNA does actually work. @Jasim: May be you are right. Seriously!! It was a pillow." Has to be a record of some sort. October 4, 2002: The parents are recruited by the CIA and given a crash course in evangelical Christianity, hypnosis and karate. this is impotent for this Article . It is a serious fact. October 7, 2003: They land in Pakistan and head for Swat posing as NGO workers. And that was DJ Fazalullah of Mullah Radio signing off for the last time with the track..'Born in the USA' by Bruce Springsteen. and how come the doctor has taken that shooters ear wax samples?? People against Malala are taking NFP brilliant sarcasm literally and are ACTUALLY using it as evidence on Twitter. Great article. And we hold leaders accountable for their promises to girls. Wow! Uno momento.. Then when you mentioned Spiderman Mask, I realized it was a satirical piece!! After a few days his clinic was raided by the police. However, you can't be forgiven for ignoring the disclaimer right at the top: Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular have always been looking for Angels to solve their problems of their own making and always have happily fallen prey to some Iblees. Most of his articles are sarcastic (such as this one) and I am shocked to see your responses. @Zia : It is never us, period. Please ignore rumors and hoaxes. She makes a shiver run through the spineless cowards. Afghanistan. Malala Yousafzai Death Hoax Dismissed Since Activist Is ‘Alive And Well’ On Sunday (March 07) the activist's reps officially confirmed that Malala Yousafzai is not dead. Yea, they do, don’t they? This will be a good add up to the Alf Layla commonly known as Arabian Nights (1001 Nights) in the west. He first showed us a video (on his iPhone) that he shot hours after the shooting. Can't stop smiling.... this author should be working for The Daily Show of Jon Stewart. Come on people wake up! Which DNA gene is the Pushtun gene? October 21, 2011: The militants request her to stop writing her evangelical blogs and finish her homework instead. A good reply to conspiracy theories... Nice drafting the whole story. Thanks. Thank You Piracha ! U dint understand the article idiot ! The link about press tv is fake as well. i agree with you Sir, Dear. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. well, the things are explained at last.. under the banner of a Big Group of media.. The Story is Fake. i bow to ur comedy chemistry, great job. P.s Quantum physics division of Taliban? Today, Malala turns 21. ha ha keep it up. In September 2012, a 15-year-old school girl from Pakistan’s Swat valley was reported to have been shot in the face and head by a Taliban activist. people are trying to PROVE that the evidences are insufficient and vague. Go cry a river. Q1. Come the Pizza part, I was like, "WHAT?!" Look at the following paragraph taken from above. @Gulsher: After extracting the DNA of the shooter, @David Warner: You may be one of the staunch apologists who these days have nothing to do except maligning the little innocent girl. IF HIS FATHER WAS CHRISTIAN CONVERTED WHY NOT REPORTED BY THE SWAT SMALL TOWN PEOPLE TO MEDIA????????????. http://ibnlive.in.com/blogs/dpsatish/237/64903/malala-not-a-nobel--wisdom-wins-over-populism.html “That was the highlight of 2018. Ironically just not for the inmates in jails especially in US who are wrongfully accused!!!! @OilGul Dude, who are you? And a blond girl, bunjee jumping, Swat? Nadeem, You would not believe me if I I tell you I received a phone call from a friend of mine from Long island, New York who informed me about the news in Dawn about Malala and conspiracy done to Pakistanis.

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