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Alexander, who had also. He stormed the Capitol with a spear, tracing a throughline of violence back to Stop the Steal’s genesis. “Find God,” he said. “I was introduced to him by a friend, and you know, he’s got interesting points,” Dorsey would later say of Alexander. In 2017, Wintrich and Alexander again caught the eye of extremism researchers when they hosted a podcast with Matt Colligan, who had marched with a tiki torch at the Charlottesville rally. Jay Dardenne’s gubernatorial campaign. So did Stone, who’d participated in and claimed to have orchestrated a similar spectacle in 2000 ― the “Brooks Brothers riot,” during which a mob of white Republican operatives tried to force their way into Miami-Dade County polling headquarters and put a halt to the recount in that year’s presidential election. HuffPost Video Cher Attacks Trump Over Covid 'Herd Mentality' Remarks: 'Seems 200k Dead Isn’t Enough Carnage' The singer urged her fellow citizens to protect themselves and make sure they vote in the upcoming election. He compared himself to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. During his appearance on Hannity’s podcast, Alexander was adamant that the three congressmen helped him conceive of his protest, an assertion he echoed on social media. One of Alexander’s partners set up a political action committee. His spokesman, Cory Dennis, emailed HuffPost a one-line response: “The [Louisiana] Attorney General had no prior knowledge of, nor participated in, the robo call’s planning or execution.”. HuffPost requested a third time to speak to Gosar and asked Lycos to clarify what she meant by “none of those things.” She did not respond. “We’re inside,” the man told Jones. Police recovered guns. A month later, he was arrested again for debit card abuse. The page quickly gained over 360,000 members, some of whom talked about murdering Democrats and starting a civil war. They were smiling and holding a “Stop the Steal” sign. The daughter of Amy Kremer, a tea party organizer, about murdering Democrats and starting a civil war. Jacob Chansley, known as the “Q Shaman” for his horned fur hat and Norse tattoos, was at that rally. Another Alexander associate, Tim “Baked Alaska” Gionet, a veteran of the Charlottesville rally, livestreamed himself inside the Capitol and was later arrested. When contacted by HuffPost on Feb. 27, Wren requested that questions be emailed to her. Alexander hadn’t bothered to set up a business or a nonprofit, he, on his personal site, where he peddled a “persuasion” class for $198. But he managed to keep squeezing out livestreams. The Jericho March, as Flynn made clear in his speech, referenced a biblical battle during which Israelite soldiers marched around the Canaanite city of Jericho and blew trumpets until the city walls collapsed. Alexander’s social media star was on the rise. Brawls and stabbings occurred after those demonstrations. Trending Meghan Gives Oprah An 'Honest Answer' About Why Archie Doesn't Have A Title On his Stop the Steal site, Alexander hawked $45 T-shirts, $40 baseball caps and $75 yard signs. “Does the Huffington Post still exist?” Grenell asked when HuffPost reached him for comment. It was, perhaps, no coincidence that the RAGA chairman in 2020 was Landry, the tea partier whose connection to Alexander went back at least to 2014, and the Black Conservative Fund’s “sting” on Mary Landrieu. But first we’re going to stop the certification.”. “Rep. A few months after his Trump encounter, Alexander resurfaced in Baton Rouge as a senior adviser to the Black Conservatives Fund, which received more than $150,000 that year from Mercer. Once inside, they looted and vandalized. McInnes. Alexander organized the event on Twitter with Gosar, who has been, Oath Keepers meetings, and Cernovich, who has for many years, used Twitter to sow disinformation that has inspired threats and violence. also showed up, and when night fell, the far-right extremists mixed it up with counterprotesters. Before the rally, Biggs, who was arrested last month for storming the Capitol, told his followers to “buy ammo [and] clean your guns.”. in 2018 with Steve Bannon and foreign ultranationalist leaders, including racists and Islamophobes with ties to violent extremists.) A Capitol Police officer, denounce this,” Alexander reiterated from his rooftop perch, impassively surveying the Capitol grounds in a video posted to Twitter by one of his associates and. his Stop the Steal partner, Ed Martin. Conservative commentator Rose Tennent, who is affiliated with Moms for America, another organization involved in the Jan. 6 rally, was the guest host. To radical Republicans, he was worth it. Ward, who has a history of associating with other extremists and has also been funded by the Mercers, wanted to “cross the Rubicon.” She later refused to condemn the attack on the Capitol. So did Breitbart writer Mike Mahoney, the founder of an eco-fascist organization now deemed a potential domestic terrorism threat. a deep pool of Republican dark money, bushels of which had flowed to hard-right candidates and organizations. In late 2014, O’Keefe returned to Louisiana. HuffPost Politics Today at 5:10 PM Critics see the ex-president as a risk because of his Russia ties, h ... is foreign businesses — and especially his supporters who stormed the Capitol. By 2009, at the latest, he was attending the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, an important gathering of right-wing activists and elected officials, where he would become a fixture. O’Keefe had gone after Landrieu before, in 2010, when he illegally entered her office with two associates, both of whom were disguised as telephone repairmen and one of whom asked to access the “central box” of the phone system as part of an attempt to “orchestrate a conversation” about phone calls to Landrieu’s staff that O’Keefe would capture on video. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Piper’s Twitter timeline, which is filled with years of anti-Obama rhetoric, shows him replying casually to Alexander and promoting the Republican operative’s account from 2009 to 2020. He called the platform his “public diary” and his “call to action.” On Nov. 9, he tweeted, “Republicans choose who wins the Electoral College. Period,” he tweeted, echoing his description of Obama a decade earlier. “When I am ready … I will unleash a legion of angels to bring hell to our enemies. , had, by any definition, embraced far-right extremism. With Wintrich, Alexander launched a dead-end media startup and staged a pro-Trump anti-immigrant art show in New York where the British Yiannopoulos gave a speech about “American values” and bathed in a tub of pig’s blood. "Please don't patronize me by telling me that the oil and gas industry doesn't have any special tax provisions," the California Democrat told the company chief. “Who is going to be ready to storm the Capitol with us in a couple minutes? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 204,147 talking about this. He reportedly went into hiding, claiming antifa was after him. The crooked Manhattan oligarch’s popularity. on Jan. 4 with high-capacity firearms magazines as he entered the city. Starting in early 2009, Piper also tweeted rabidly using #tcot. ), Stop the Steal was scary from the start. The Proud Boys attacked residents. Alexander’s movement had helped upend the peaceful transfer of power for the first time since the Civil War. Biggs, too, tried to distance himself from Alexander after the deadly attack. A Capitol Police officer shot her in the neck. Entertainment. Alexander took to the street. She never responded to them. “They were like, ‘The president doesn’t want to stomp on your grassroots effort. The robocall mentioned a “March to Save America” website that Alexander highlighted in his, 11 participating organizations. Breitbart’s legion of bloggers amplified the “sting” online. What can we do for you?’”. But his closest colleague at the time was Lucian Wintrich, who would soon become the White House correspondent for The Gateway Pundit, a pro-Trump disinformation outlet that has pushed voter fraud lies, promoted Stop the Steal and published propaganda from the Oath Keepers, an anti-government militia group whose members were involved in the storming of the Capitol. The affiliate reportedly paid a sprawling network of teenagers, including some minors, to pump out disinformation, much of it about voter fraud. White nationalists, QAnon cultists and Make America Great Again extremists roamed the halls hunting for politicians. No 10 defends minister who criticised HuffPost journalist on Twitter. The Mercer-funded Milo Yiannopoulos became a friend. Alexander meant conservatives. It was too soon. On Sept. 7, 2020, Alexander and Posobiec primed their social media followers for a new Stop the Steal campaign. When McDaniel lost in the Republican primary, he falsely claimed the election was stolen.

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