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Which is unlike Faith been as she's very optimistic and ambitions most of the time, but feeling like she was stuck in the wheelchair made her think she'd never run or walk again. May-Li feels bad for going to the garden centre without Archie, as she didn't realise how important it was to Archie. The next day when Bailey goes into town again, he notices a memorial where Mal sat with his dog. Series 1 Harry cheered up Mo, saying that when a bird pooed on you, it was lucky (something Sapphire had told him). Denise Jackson is set to appear in the opener episode of Series 6 of The Dumping Ground, called "Jody on Ropes". Bailey thought that he had killed Mal. When Johnny goes to see his mum, Keith answers the door and Lucy arrives home shortly after. Faith later suggested to Mo that Rocky was depressed, prompting Mo to give Rocky to a man who owned numerous other snakes, on the reasoning that Mo could play with his friends whenever he wanted and so wanted to let Rocky do the same thing. Candi-Rose (real name Courtney), portrayed by Carma Hylton,[11] made her first appearance on 3 February 2017 in series 5 of The Dumping Ground during the episode "The Fairytale Princess". Been as when Mike told Tyler to wash the floor, Joseph insisted he would do it, while he was sorting out people's shoes. Eventually Billie told May-Li that Toni had owned a rabbit when they lived with their parents. The rivalry continued in "Go Your Own Way", when the 'DG' Olympics were held. Later in Series 5B he is been shown closer to Alex as he stole the money in "Rough Justice Series 5 Episode 19" that the statue he broke to replace it with a new one. But Sasha realised that she'd rather stay at the 'Dumping Ground', and in the area she was in. The Dumping Ground Series 2 – When Faith was admitted to hospital, Mo decided to make her a "get well soon" card, but ended up with glitter over his face in the process. Frank and Tyler look into Peter's plans when their archaeological plan flans and realise that Peter and Janet will gain a luxury house for the development. Meaning May-Li was in the clear and wouldn't risk losing her job. When Sasha finds out their stepbrother, Roddy (Alfie Browne-Sykes), is involving Dexter in burglaries, she finds Dexter in a building with stolen things and that Kelly is involved. PoPo suggested for Jody to write a letter to her mum, explaining her how she feels about her mum and what she would really want to say to her, and for when she'd finished writing the letter to fold it up and put in a draw or box somewhere and forget about it. The Dumping Ground Series 1 – Mo arrived at the Elm Tree House prior to the episode Oh, Mo! However, the other kids realised that Mo was no different to them in that they all had a complicated start in life, so they rebuilt his scarecrow as a welcome home present, saying that they wanted Mo to stay. Sasha later asked Jay and Bird to come to the attic, to tell them the whole story. Tee takes strange, eccentric new boy Mo under her wing. She is the main antagonist of the Tracy Beaker franchise, although appeared as the protagonist of the fifth series of The Story of Tracy Beaker as well as Louise's best friend. But every place she got in contact with told her that Alex had moved on somewhere else, not knowing that her son had really runaway and was living on the streets at just 12 years old. In "Free to Good Home", Floss and Toni try to get Billie to pretend to be a gymnast in order to win a trampoline. Denise Jackson, portrayed by Victoria Alcock, made her first appearance on 18 January 2013 in series 1 of The Dumping Ground during the episode "S.O.S.". Later, May-Li receives a family heirloom from PoPo, her great-great-Grandfather's diary. Inside, Mike and May-Li tell Jimmy he'll have to contact Social Services about getting Bailey back, but Jimmy devastates Bailey when he says that he wasn't expecting to get Bailey back straight away. Consequently, all three children were punished (by being made to tidy up the garden and take the sheets in) when May-Li discovered what had happened with the bread. Johnny (Joe Maw) goes to find Tee and he meets Hope, but he is angry with Lucy about everything that has happened. Candi-Rose noticed chemistry between Mike and Fiona, and went on a mission to find out more about Fiona, and to pair them up again . May-Li lends Carmen an antique necklace, but Carmen drops it down the toilet accidentally and when Carmen thinks about either leaving it or attempting to get it out, she decides to tell May-Li. Later that day, Mo found a golden wrapper in the vegetable patch and believed it to be treasure (when really it was from one of Floss's sweets). Chloe Reeves, portrayed by Hannah Moncur,[10] made her first appearance on 19 February 2016 in series 4 of The Dumping Ground during the episode "Hold the Front Page". With Kingsley's trial coming up, Denise doesn't want Jody to testify, but after dreaming about being in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Jody decides to testify against Kingsley. May-Li finds out Johnny (Joe Maw) is considering joining the army and Mike disagrees with May-Li encouraging Johnny, viewing it is a good thing. When Kelly hints on about being skint, Sasha tells her that she can't help her anymore. Mark Wahlberg stars as a man who takes his family on the run when a natural disaster threatens to end civilization. In this episode, fearing shes being overlooked especially after Harrys departure, she comes up with an idea which she hopes will put her centerstage but it ends up with her heavily upsetting Finn. 1. Mo was caught after he tried to get away from the living room and was made to show his hands which were coloured red by the food colouring. In The Real Faith Davis the police call and the young people suspect something is wrong. Jody didn't mean to hurt Archie, or Sasha. (Joseph seemed to be dressed as Matt Smith's incarnation of The Doctor). But when Mike read the letter he lets Mo know it says something else and assures Mo his Mother (Grandmother) will be fine, and the operation is nothing to worry about. Anthony "Mo" Michaels, portrayed by Reece Buttery, made his first appearance on 1 March 2013 in series 1 of The Dumping Ground during the episode "Oh, Mo!". Growing up in a care home brings all sorts of challenges for a tight-knit group of kids. Alex sees a woman he recognises as his Mum. Bird is shown to be quite a shy and reserved person who hardly ever talks. Mo decided to call his snake "Mike", which the others joked would lead to confusion. Luckily it wasn't broken. But she later feels guilty and owns up, Floss later forgives her after telling Candi-Rose that she's rubbish at everything. Background Faith, who shares a room with Elektra while at Elmtree House, is one of the elder children who tries to be responsible, and proves her capabilities and maturity when she acts as a surrogate careworker in the opening episode of The Dumping Ground. Kingsley Jackson, portrayed by David Avery, made his first appearance on 18 January 2013 in series 1 of The Dumping Ground during the episode "S.O.S.". Faith's homecoming doesn't quite go to plan. Ella Carmen Greenhill: Freelance playwright and screen writer for TV including Coronation Street and The Dumping ground (ITV and BBC) Collette Cane: Award winning freelance playwright and screen writer (BBC) Joe Ward Munrow: Award winning freelance playwright: winner of 2018 Mercury Weinberger Playwriting Prize She goes to ask Tyler and Ryan to help look for her, Ryan doesn't move but Tyler helps Sasha look for Candi-Rose. In "Wardrobe" Ryan blames Joseph for staying behind with him and Kazima because Ryan wanted to cheat in the card game by making Tyler pick Finn but Joseph asks Finn that he likes dinosaurs as they both got along in "One Giant Leap", as the wardrobe got delivered as Kazima and Joseph are trying to move the wardrobe in the house but when Joseph checks inside he gets locked inside as they start to chase after the wardrobe, later they lose track as Joseph escapes from the wardrobe using Ryan's grandfathers' medal as to make him move the wardrobe as Kazima emotionally gets happy that Joseph is found and later Ryan patches up with him. On a fostering information day, Tyler gets close to a foster parent, Mrs Underwood (Martina Laird) and she is hurt. Mike proposed to Fiona off-screen during the 19th episode of Series 6, "Jay and Bird's Day" and she accepted. When Abi is impressed with Bailey, May-Li prevents Bailey receiving the tickets, informing her of what Bailey did. For years, the earth has been the victim of mankind's "progress, " and the pollution has finally built to a point that causes a global backlash. Rowena and Lizzie ask to see various documents and Rowena points out some health and safety issues before getting, Phoebe, Mary and Kerr are temporary care workers to cover for, Lou and Ange are potential adoptive parents for, Samantha and Dom are the potential adoptive parents of, This page was last edited on 3 March 2021, at 21:32. Gradually in the first half of Series 7, she makes friends with Sid. Mo then found a pound coin on the ground and was then told by May-Li that his appointment had been cancelled as the dentist was ill. On learning that Frank had gone missing, Mo, Floss and Harry waited for birds to poo on them, thinking that the lucky bird poo would lead to Frank being found. Luckily, they found out that it wasn't Bailey's fault Mal died. When young Bailey Wharton is found living on his own, he is placed in the Dumping Ground. As he is shown close to Bailey Wharton he sent an apology letter for kidnapping Mischief as he also felt bad for Tyler Lewis as Bailey mocked him as the worst dancer.

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