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can batman beat superman without kryptonite

He would also take his kryptonite ring. Batman without Kryptonite definitely has a slimmer chance of defeating Supes. Superman Well in Dark Knight Returns, Batman had prep, Superman was holding back and Green Arrow appeared in time with kryptonite arrows and Batman had a heart-attack after he 'won.' He's dodged Batman's punches before effortlessly. Batman looks like he has the advantage. In Batman Hush, Superman was being mind-controlled and was fighting against it, Batman had help from Catwoman too. Weaken Superman with Kryptonite. 8 months ago. Also, in DKR he managed to last for a rather alright time with a suit of armor. Batman is ready and willing to kill Superman in order to save the world, even without the kryptonite, Batman would have obtained it in some way or came up with another plan to weaken him. Batman can beat supes and green lantern and Bane too.Superman is not as smart as Bane Or Batman,whoever made that up is a superman fanboy and liar. 1 0. Finally, he uses a Kryptonite ring. In Tower of Babel Batman had contingency plans that were stolen. 7 years ago Jack Donaghy The point of the movie will be to convince the viewer that the reason why they are fighting is realistic, not the fight itself. But under the right circumstances, he might just be able too. Especially when bloodlusted he moves so fast he seems like he's teleporting. ... Kryptonite. The Dark Knight Returns anime failed in this regard, I hope this movie will do better. No, Batman Can't Beat Superman Without Kryptonite Weapons Since Batman Is a Human Being No Have Super Powers While Superman Is a Humanoid Alien Have Super Powers. The only thing I don't understand about the entire Batman v. Superman argument is how would Batman deal with Superman's speed? Kryptonite was never introduced in Man of Steel, but without Kryptonite somewhere in the DC Movie Universe, Superman would be unstoppable - at least until magic-powered heroes ... How a Tech Savvy Batman Can Beat Superman-1 2 … 10 Fastest DC Heroes Who Don't Use The Speed Force. It also helps that he’s filthy rich, mind and money can create wonderful things. He warns Superman that there’s an open gas main, so he can’t use his heat vision. ... Batman: 10 Darkest Villains Created by Scott Snyder. To begin with, understand that according to Man Of Steel, Superman’s powers are … Come on people, kryptonite. Superman can’t fly, and Batman talks to distract him. Batman also made use of a sonic frequency device to give Superman, with his incredible hearing, severe and disorienting headaches, and fought Superman in a sewer with lead pipes to remove Superman's X-ray vision. Anonymous. You really think they can come up with any way for Batman to beat Superman without kryptonite. He could invent a device that puts out red sun rays. For the sake of fairness, we shall leave out Superman’s only weakness – Kryptonite. And still prove how Batman could whoop his steely ass without the green substance. Batman in fact successfully defeated Superman just with a small Kryptonite Ring, not even a full shard of Kryptonite. Most people say Batman beat him, but even Batman admits the Kryptonite ring only "slows his reflexes." Batman could probably buy time, take note that he is a very agile fighter, being able to avoid Darkseid's Omega Effect. Read Next in comics. 10 Marvel Heroes Who Would Make Superman Sweat. Let's just say it wouldn't be such a big of a deal for him to beat Superman, without the use of Kryptonite.

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