y a t il des questions auxquelles aucune science ne répondcoureurs tour de france 2020

Steapa wounded Uhtred by throwing a spaer past his arm, grazing him. Uhtred swore that he would die to protect each and every one of his men, and told them that he could not continue his quest without his men. The next day, Aethelflaed told Uhtred that her mother ordered him banished instead of killed. They then rode to Egbert's Stone, with Alfred halting the rest of his 400 men before the stone and peering over the hill.

Edward said that his father had trusted and respected Uhtred the most, and that he found his father's letter to be true, meaning that Alfred's pardon stood. He called for the Mercians to unite and not attack each other, something which an observing Ealhswith advised Edward was a threat to his rule. The next day, they stalked Storri from the village of Salford to his cave dwelling, where they convinced him to help them save Ragnar. At dinner, Uhtred confronted Aethelwold about his visit to Aethelred, and Aethelwold confessed that he wanted Aethelflaed dead. He then let him go, but, when Hastein said that he would have slit Aethelflaed's throat after having her, Uhtred drew his sword and duelled Hastein. Alfred explained that Uhtred's advice, bravery, and exploits would not be written into history, but Uhtred said that kings always wrote songs about themselves. The party rode into King Guthred assembled his earls and declared that a holy army would assemble and march on York with the body of Saint Cuthbert.

Unsatisfied with Cnut's excuse, Brida stabbed him through the chest with his own sword, and Uhtred then taunted Cnut by saying that both of his sons still lived, and that he would never live to see them grow old.
Brida decided to let Uhtred live with the pain of his brother's death, and Uhtred decided to go to Alfred and beg for an army. Uhtred reunited with his adopted brother, who warmly greeted him, and made him say that he was a Dane for life. Uhtred attempted to recapture Skade, but Hastein knocked her out and placed her on his horse, escaping with her. Steapa opened the gates to the fortress, allowing for Ragnar's main force to assault the fortress and overwhelm Kjartan's men. Later thta day, Brida rode alone to Uhtred and told him that Ragnar was dead, and that he died an honorless death and was buried under stones near Loidis, going to Niflheim instead of Valhalla. However, he instead learned from Alfred that The next morning, Uhtred heard a messenger arrive at the castle, so he hid next to the church. While eating with his men, Uhtred was insulted by Sihtric, who blamed Uhtred for cursing him and the others. Skorpa declared that he would look for Beocca first on the battlefield, and he and his men left. He also expressed regret over his spiting of Uhtred by baptizing his children, and over his banishment of Uhtred, which did not give Uhtred the respect or trust he deserved. Uhtred then sent Offa as a messenger to the Danes, telling them that Uhtred was coming as a shadow walker, and that they would die as his brother died. Uhtred refused to beg for mercy, instead saying that he would never kneel before a king or the Christian God, and he was restrained by armed men, while Alfred ordered that he was to be executed. Alfred and Uhtred, Alfred, and Brida watching the Viking fleet retreatThey were released a day later, and Alfred apologized and asked if his apology was enough; Uhtred rudely said that it was not, and that he wanted to be recognized as an Ealdorman. Brida said that he was a whore to the crown of Alred, and Ragnar felt betrayed that Uhtred was again betraying him. Uhtred said that besieging the fortress would take 3,000 men and be costly, but he believed that he could lure Hastein out of Beamfleot and onto a battlefield where he could be defeated. Ealhswith then barged in and criticized Alfred for speaking with Uhtred and for possibly inviting him to stand at Edward's side, but Alfred had her leave. Uhtred decided to give the large cross to the Church to settle his debt to Bishop Uhtred arrived in Winchester with Iseult to attend the Witenagemot, and King Alfred had the Witan interrupt a priest's proposal to have a royal bridge-building official to move on to the more important case - Cornwall. Uhtred was forced into a prison cell by the guards, and he told Finan to do nothing. The next morning, Uhtred told Brida that he would not continue his own life until he got Ragnar out of Niflheim, and they rode towards Leagaceaster to meet with Storri, who might be able to help.
However, Finan calmed Young Uhtred when he planned to return to the Church, telling him that Uhtred was merely upset that he had failed to save Young Uhtred during the attack, and then swore to Young Uhtred that his father was a good man who had sacrificed his own personal comfort for the Uhtred then buried Beocca's cross on a hillside, grieving over his death; Finan again came to comfort him, and, when Uhtred told Finan of all that Beocca had done for him, Finan concluded that Beocca was like a father to Uhtred.

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