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He found a place to live for the next two years at On 18 January 1892, Carrie Balestier (aged 29) and Rudyard Kipling (aged 26) married in London, in the "thick of an influenza epidemic, when the undertakers had run out of black horses and the dead had to be content with brown ones. The wedding was held at All Souls Church, Langham Place. Kipling's clarity of style, his use of colloquial language and the way in which he used rhythm and rhyme were considered to be major innovations in poetry that appealed to many of the younger Russian poets. We cut generous holes in our thin floors for its eight-inch [20 cm] tin pipes (why we were not burned in our beds each week of the winter I never can understand) and we were extraordinarily and self-centredly content.

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (n. 30 decembrie 1865, Mumbai, India Britanică – d. 18 ianuarie 1936, Londra, Regatul Unit) a fost un poet și prozator britanic, laureat al Premiului Nobel pentru Literatură în anul 1907.Este celebru prin povestirea sa pentru copii "Cartea Junglei" (), romanul indian de spionaj "Kim" (), poemele "Gunga Din" și "If— " (), numeroase schițe și nuvele. Au début des années 1900, il retourne en Angleterre et continue à écrire pour les enfants. The school proved rough going for him at first, but later led to firm friendships and provided the setting for his schoolboy stories Near the end of his time at the school, it was decided that he lacked the academic ability to get into Oxford University on a scholarship and his parents lacked the wherewithal to finance him, so Lockwood obtained a job for his son in Lahore, Punjab (now in Pakistan), where he was Principal of the Mayo College of Art and Curator of the Lahore Museum. Rudyard Kipling returned to Simla for his annual leave each year from 1885 to 1888, and the town featured prominently in many of the stories that he wrote for the He describes this time: "My month’s leave at Simla, or whatever Hill Station my people went to, was pure joy—every golden hour counted. "The English folksinger Peter Bellamy was a great lover of Kipling's poetry, much of which he believed to have been influenced by English traditional folk forms. A body identified as his was found in 1992, although that identification has been challenged.John's death has been linked to Kipling's 1916 poem "Kipling became friends with a French soldier named Maurice Hammoneau, whose life had been saved in the First World War when his copy of On 1 August 1918, a poem, "The Old Volunteer," appeared under his name in Partly in response to John's death, Kipling joined Sir Kipling's short story "The Gardener" depicts visits to the war cemeteries, and the poem "In 1924, Kipling was opposed to the Labour government of Many older editions of Rudyard Kipling's books have a Kipling kept writing until the early 1930s, but at a slower pace and with less success than before.

; en fait, son colonialisme idéaliste était bien loin de la réalité de la colonisation telle que la menaient les Anglais, et il en avait tout à fait conscience.Parmi les plus célèbres oeuvres de fiction de Kipling, il faut retenir Multiples Inventions (1893), mais surtout le Livre de la jungle (1894) et le Second Livre de la jungle (1895) : ces recueils de contes animaliers et anthropomorphiques, considérés comme ses plus grandes oeuvres, mettent en scène le personnage de Mowgli, «!petit d'homme!» qui grandit dans la jungle mais choisit finalement de rejoindre le monde des humains. « If » est un magnifique poème que Rudyard Kipling dédie à son fils John, qui vient d’entrer dans l’adolescence. Rudyard Kipling (1865 – 1936) was an English author who wrote some of the most well known short stories, novels and poems. Rudyard Kipling was a prominent supporter of Colonel In November 2007, it was announced that Kipling's birth home in the campus of the Kipling's bibliography includes fiction (including novels and short stories), non-fiction, and poetry. Son décès est relaté dans de nombreux journaux français, comme ici, dans L’Indépendant du Pas-de-Calais. Il publia ensuite Chants des divers services (1886), des poèmes satiriqu… Rudyard Kipling a l'era nassù a Bombay (al dì d'ancheuj Mumbai) ël 30 dë dzèmber dël 1865, an n'ambient anglo-indian motobin coltivà, e a l'ha vivù an India vàire agn. For example: "In the afternoon Kipling's days of "strong light and darkness" in Bombay ended when he was five.In his autobiography published 65 years later, Kipling recalled the stay with horror, and wondered if the combination of cruelty and neglect which he experienced there at the hands of Mrs Holloway might not have hastened the onset of his literary life: "If you cross-examine a child of seven or eight on his day's doings (specially when he wants to go to sleep) he will contradict himself very satisfactorily.
Son corps ne fut pas retrouvé. Other Indian-born boys have told me how the same thing happened to them." Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established. In a gifted writer this seems to us strange and even disgusting, but it did have the advantage of giving Kipling a certain grip on reality. Kipling, fils du conservateur du musée de Lahore, naquit le 30 décembre 1865 à Bombay, en Inde.

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mort de rudyard kipling

mort de rudyard kipling