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He believes it weakens the countries from which the colonists originate without strengthening the destination country. De Paris, Usbek essaye de régler les conflits et de rétablir l’ordre. The women enter the bathing area one at a time, at an appointed hour, and there is silence overall since the women do not interact with each other or communicate. He is going into the country, and living in a pleasant house where he can think and speculate at will.

He, Usbek, is being tormented by temptations. He may have received letters besides what were printed, or he might have other sources of information real or imagined. However, despite all the guards, restraints, and oversights Usbek puts in place, Zélis has realized that Usbek’s constant jealousy makes him more of a prisoner than she. They are surrounded by greedy people yet they continue to give, possibly to bribe but also to play people off against each other. She expresses her love for him. He left the “corrupt” court, feigning an interest in science, but claims to have become genuinely attached to it (although none of his subsequent letters describe scientific or technical wonders).

Usbek described how the Troglodites went out of their way to ease each other’s burdens and find ways to make another happy. No matter how welcoming his wives are, he will still have his suspicions and his jealousy. But at this point he has really made no distinction between the two.Today, Rica is mocking the French fascination for science. He says it is because they are acting out of self-interest, and they prefer their own satisfaction to that of other people.

Rica describes the French as being obsessed by vehicles. Rica acknowledges that both he and Levi are from groups of people known for their superstition.

The militia runs amok and does whatever it wants.

The man is interested only in quantitative information and behaves in a very social awkward way.Rica describes the “Quidnuncs” who imagine themselves of great consequences. He states that when punishment is too severe, rebellion will occur.

Having been castrated he is unable to have sex in the normal way, but his desire for it was unaffected.

Interestingly, the offenses the Chief Eunuch describes are all the sort of thing that could be noticed by other people and reported independently to Usbek. He expects the man to be preoccupied with other people’s business. Certaines dépassent l’anecdote.

Usbek imagines that in time he will soon see a royal decree stating that, owing to the immense number of favors granted to office-seekers and pension-seekers, the Crown is obliged to tax the peasants and working class for an extra fifth of their income in order to cover the expense.Rica wonders what religion should offer a virtuous person. He describes his encounter with a casuist who specializes in finding excuses and weaseling out of duty. After reading it, Astarte remembered who she was: a Guerbre woman who had every right to follow her customs, and who was still in love with Apheridon.Astarte used a file and rope to escape her seraglio and ran away with Apheridon. This is the first Christian town Usbek has ever been in. After aptly chastising Usbek, the Mollah describes a physically impossible scene in which a pig was created out of elephant excrement. The librarian is the one who does all the work, yet the monks consider him worthless and an unnecessary expense because he works for the library instead of contributing to the monastery.

Arrivés à Paris en mai 1712, ils étudient la pratique politique, l’étrangeté des mœurs et les traditions religieuses… Ils en soulignent tous les ridicules.

Cities are deserted, the country is desolate, and commerce is neglected.

Rica describes the ongoing debate over the French Constitution and asserts that it is the women who are chiefly responsible for the changes in government.Usbek explains to Roxana, his favorite wife, how happy he thinks she is in Persia as opposed to in France, where the Persian notions of shame and virtue are unknown. Would Usbek please write again?Usbek places all power in Solim, to enforce his vengeance. This is the only time that Fatmé writes, or is even mentioned by name. She recalls an erotic scene in which she and Usbek’s other wives, having asserted their superiority in beauty, challenged him to pick the most beautiful. Rica himself carries about an impressive number of passages from the holy Koran along with the names of various dervishes and saintly people. During this time, Usbek notices that the Ottoman Empire is in ruins. For a man who had a sincere love of science, Usbek doesn’t seem to have learned any during his journey, which is now well into its sixth year.Usbek is talking about socioeconomic mobility.

Instead of working to resolve problems, mindful of the option of ending the marriage, people to whom divorce was forbidden felt trapped and treated each other poorly. But Roxana and Zélis were anxious to visit, and judging by the last letter the reader can deduce that each of them has a lover there.Narsit congratulates himself on running a well-ordered seraglio and mentions that the slave sent to retrieve the letter from Usbek from some Armenian merchants was robbed: the letter was taken (suggesting that the woman to whom it was written has influence outside the seraglio).

She dreads nothing except his indifference.

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