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Whether your event is 100% online or also takes place in an venue, webcasting can represent a new source of autonomous income. 75 en parlent. Connexion.

Inscrivez-vous à notre plateforme personnalisée et obtenez l'argent de vos ventes rapidement à … The invoicing will be calculated by

a broadcasting fee will be invoiced your event depending on the duration and the quality of video used. Vendez vos billets gratuitement grâce à une plateforme développée au Québec. You decide how simple or complex the setting of your virtual event should be. Create your virtual event, sell passes and broadcast it… online! Search through it whenever you want! Do you have expensive equipment in a studio? We only calculate taxes amount for companies registered in these registries.

Your user account will allow you to log in to your Organization's account, but also to buy tickets on our website. Each of these providers has different terms of use, security levels, and participant limits. Awesome! A user may have access to several organizations, just as many users may have access to the same organization. Du 19 au 21 juin 2020, on va présenter une édition du Rockfest à Montebello en simulation virtuelle immersive en temps réel pareil comme si tu y étais : le roadtrip vers Montebello, l’arrivée au camping, le party dans le village, les spectacles, les coups de soleil et la grosse brosse en criant ROCKFEST! Complex camera work with lights and a crew? Lepointdevente.com vous offre une page de visionnement dédiée à votre événement sur laquelle votre contenu sera en toute sécurité. Okay! The organizers, on the other hand, use their computer or mobile device to broadcast their content. As you will be able to sell paid access beyond the limits of your venue. Virtual events provide a sense of intimacy with their users. Inscrivez-vous à notre plateforme personnalisée et obtenez l'argent de vos ventes rapidement à … The presenter (whether an artist, speaker, or sports coach) can engage the audience and share content in a more intimate environment than, for example, a theatre or a conference room. If you use Thepointofsale.com as a streaming provider, whether your event is paid or not, Notre technologie s'assure que le lien envoyé ne peut être vu que par un seul appareil en même temps évitant ainsi le partage de … Broadcast your event from wherever you like! At any time, by clicking on Help at the top or bottom of the page or by visiting 34 en parlent. Thanks to the integrated technologies, by choosing the See you soon! ROCKFEST 2020 ÉDITION VIRTUELLE. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions either by email at

The audience now comes to you! Please note that the only broadcasting solution with no participant limit and for which we can guarantee against sharing of streaming links (fraud) is Une billetterie libre-service qui vous aide gratuitement dans la promotion de vos événements. Log in or create your account to start selling your passes. Inscrivez-vous à notre plateforme personnalisée et obtenez l'argent de vos ventes rapidement à … Use this account to create events. Buyers of the event view it through a link purchased on Thepointofsale.com. Vendez vos billets gratuitement grâce à une plateforme développée au Québec. Good internet connection? Une billetterie libre-service qui vous aide gratuitement dans la promotion de vos événements. Une billetterie libre-service qui vous aide gratuitement dans la promotion de vos événements. Access our event creation and management tool without further ado! Live from your living room? {{ org.advisor.name }}

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